1.22 Giving Her What She Wants

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I need to play cool now or else i'm screwed. 

He looked at me.

Murphy pretended to be worried  "he stopped breathing. I was...i was trying to help him"

I pretended to be shocked and confused"i thought the Virus was only slowing us down and not killing us"

Murphy nodded "i know"

Suddenly my eyes landed on Jasper's gun. Well, so did Murphy's.

I ran to it but Murphy was faster. 

He aimed the gun at me. 

Me  "John, put the gun down"

Murphy "he tried to kill me"

I stepped back.

Murphy "Hey, don't move. "

I put my hands up "ok. ok. It's cool"

John shook his head "no, it's not. You know what will happen to me if you tell Bellamy. "

I pleaded "John, please"

Suddenly the radio on my belt went on.

Bellamy "Tell Bellamy what?"

I grabbed it.

Murphy "Give me the radio, Kitty"

I took the radio from my belt and said into it  "Murphy has a gun and killed Myles"

He rammed the gun in my stomach and i fell back to the ground. 

I yelled and coughed out "you son of a bitch"

Bellamy "Murphy, what the hell are you doing?"

The drop ship door went up and closed the ship.

I could hear Bellamy shout "Murphy! Murphy ! open the damn door!"

Murphy "you try to be a hero, the Queen dies"

I looked at him and shook my head "you won't kill me"

Murphy smirked "doesn't mean i can't hurt you"

Octavia yelled "Murphy! Murphy ! if you even touch Melissa, i swear to god, you're dead!"

I looked at Murphy "If you open the door now, i promise you, you're going to walk out of this camp alive"

He shook his head "You know Bellamy"

The radio went on again.

Bellamy "Murphy, i know you can hear me. All our ammo and food is in the middle level. You know that. You're leaving us vulnerable to an attack. I can't let that happen"

John "Yeah, well, in case you haven't noticed, you're not exactly in control right now"

He looked at me. 

I was sitting against the door.

Bellamy "come on, Murphy. We both know you won't hurt Melissa. You want to hurt me. So what do you say?. How about you trade her for me?"

I jolt up " no!"

He pointed the gun at me "stay down, Kitty"

Bellamy "All you have to do is let her go, and i'll take her place"

He looked at me and i shook my head.

Murphy "How?"

Bellamy "simple. You open the door, i walk in, she walks out"

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