125 Years Later

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A few days later.At the bridge. 

The others were watching Monty's last video. We only woke up a few people. 

Monty" Can you see it? Is it beautiful? It is in my dreams. I hope we do better there. I hope your lives there will be as happy as mine has been. Be the good guys. May we meet again."

Murphy "May we meet again"

Bellamy " I know this is a lot to process. Take an hour and meet in the mess. We need to game this out."

Me " Guys, we survived. Monty made sure of it."

Abby " Now we get our humanity back."

Raven " Some of us never lost it."

Then she walked out. 

Shawn rushed after her. 

In the mess. 

Bellamy "Okay, everyone. Listen up. Here's what we know. Eligius III was a colonizing misison. According to the file, the mothership went to 5 planets that met necessary conditions for life, dropping mission teams on each one. Monty picked planet Alpha for us because it's the closest and probably the most like Earth."

Murphy asked confused "Was there a probably?"

Shaw" We have to assume they couldn't know for sure until they got here. We can scan the atmosphere from the bridge."

Jordan "Actually, we can't. None of the equipment we used to monitor Earth is working. I'm guessing it's interference from the ionosphere."

Bellamy "Bottom line is, we won't know if it's survivable until we get down there."

I nodded "Sounds familiar."

Raven" What about radio signals? Anything from the ground that says the mission team survived?"

Bellamy shook his head  "No radio signals."

Jordan "Likely also the ionosphere. There is an ultra-high-frequency ping on radar, faint but--"

Shaw" A rescue beacon. We used them on Eligius IV to--"

Emori " Great. If there's a beacon, that means someone's down there, right?"

Shaw " Not necessarily. They're solar, so--"

Raven" They can last forever. How long ago did Eligius III get here?"

Jordan " Hard to tell since they never radioed back, but best estimate--200 years, give or take."

Murphy " That's a long time to wait for a rescue."

Echo " I trust Monty."

Everyone else nodded. 

Bellamy nodded " Great. Then it's settled. We land at a distance, give us time to acclimate. We'll wait for them to come to us."

Clarke "Let's talk about guns. If we have them, we'll use them."

Bellamy" We're taking guns. We're also taking nonlethals. Now, EligiusIV had gas grenades and shock batons to control the criminals. We won't shoot first this time."

Raven" In that case, Clarke should stay here."

I looked at her amused. 

Bellamy "Raven, you're the one that's staying here."

Raven asked shocked " What? Like hell I am."

Bellamy "Look. We can't take both our pilots, and since we'll be flying blind until we're below the ionosphere, it has to be Shaw. That's not all. Jordan, you're staying, too."

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