1.9 "Hang Him!"

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Next day.

We were all working on building a wall around the drop ship- around the camp. Wells' dead body was found in the woods this morning and well, now we've got one more body. 

This had gotten us thinking about protecting ourselves so now we are building this wall. 

i looked around. 

Everybody was doing their job. 

I walked to a tree trunk. I bent down to grab it but a voice stopped me. 

Voice "Could you hurry up?"

I turned around and saw Bellamy walking to me. 

My jaw dropped at his attitude   "hm?"

He walked to me with an attitude. 

I raised my eyebrows. 

He smirked and laughed "just kidding"

I rolled my eyes and shoved him a little  "not funny, jerk"

Bellamy smiled "I got this"

I sighed "I can do this, Bell"

Bellamy nodded "I know, Mel. But you're not able to carry that trunk on your own"

I rolled my eyes. 

Then my eyes fell on something behind him. A guy was kneeling in front of Murphy. Probably weak without water. suddenly the guy jolt up, pissed off. Murphy had peed on him. 


I rolled my eyes.

Bellamy then picked up the trunk like it was nothing. 

I whined "I wanted to help you"

Bellamy smiled "Keep me company"

I smiled and walked with him to the spot where the wall was starting to show. He rammed the trunk into the hole.

me "Hey, do want your jacket back?"

Bellamy smiled at me "I'll let you know when i need it"

I nodded "okay"

His face went serious "Can i ask you something?"

I nodded "go ahead"

Bellamy "What's the matter with you and Murphy?"

I raised an eyebrow, smirking "Why? jealous?"

He shrugged "Just curious. "

Me "He and i were a thing going on before he got locked up"

Bellamy "anything serious?"

I shook my head and crossed my arms over my chest " Not for me. He wanted more but i just wanted to stay friends. I know him well but....but we had our fun and that's it"

He nodded "good to know"

I smiled and looked around. 

Then i saw Clarke, Octavia and Jasper walking into the main tent "Bell"

He looked at me and i nodded to his tent.

We walked into the tent. 

They were all standing around a table. There was a knife lying on it. And there were three fingers in a cloth next to the knife. 

I asked confused "What's going on?"

Octavia "someone killed Wells"

I nodded "i know, his body was found dead this morning"

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