1.28 "Prisoners"?

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Next day. Morning.

I heard someone banging against the door. 

I groaned and stood up.

Then i walked to the door and opened it "Who the-"

Dad stormed inside. 

I nodded "Yeah, sure come in"

Then i closed the door behind him.

Dad turned to me "What did you do?"

I raised an eyebrow at him "i just woke up"

Dad "Bellamy, Murphy, the others, they're all gone"

My jaw dropped "what?"

Dad "Where are they, Melissa?"

I asked confused "How should i know? Last time i saw them was last night. That son of a bitch of a guard kicked me out"

Dad "are you sure?"

I scoffed, shaking my head "I'm not gonna answer that"

Then i walked out of my apartment.


I was outside and standing next to Abby who was helping someone with his wounds.

Me "Abby?"

She looked at me.

Me "It was you, wasn't it? You helped them escape"

She nodded "I helped them but it was their idea "

I sighed "Clarke is in Mount Weather"

Abby nodded "i know. But Finn thinks otherwise"

I saw Dad talking to the blonde major. Suddenly guards walked inside. They had a Grounder as prisoner.

People freaked out and went to attack the Grounder.

The guards blocked their way to him.

Dad ran to them "no one is to touch him! Stand back!"

A Man "They have my son! They have my son!"

Then a gun went off.

Abby and i ran to the guy on the floor.

Dad"What happened?"

Guard "He went for my gun and it just went off"

Abby "Get him to medical now"

Six people carried him inside. 

Abby followed him.

Byrne looked at Dad "The knife's edge, sir"

Dad "Take the prisoner inside"

They took him inside.

I looked at Dad "What does she mean with that?"

He ignored me.

I raised my voice "Dad!"

Suddenly Bryne brought Abby to us.

Abby asked confused "What is this?"

Dad sighed "i'm sorry it had to come to this, Abby. But you left me no choice"

Byrne "Abigail Griffin has confessed to aiding and abetting known criminals. And trafficking in firearms. Under the laws set forth in the exodus charter of the Ark, She's been sentences to 10 lashes."

Everybody gasped.

I looked at Dad, shocked "Are you for real?"

Abby shook her head in disbelief "you can't be serious"

Byrne "on your command, Chancellor Kane"

I scoffed and grabbed Dad's arm and turned him to me "What the hell are you doing? "

Dad "she set the prisoners free"

I raised my eyebrows ""prisoners"? did you really just call them that? We are talking about Bellamy and Murphy, Dad!. Two of our own people who you locked up for nothing!"

Dad shook his head and sighed "You're not ready for that, Melissa"

Then i lost it.

My jaw dropped "I'm not ready? I am not ready?! but i was ready when you sent me down here to die!"

Dad "Melissa, just listen"

I shook my head "You have no idea what you did when you sent us down here! You have no idea how we've changed from a bunch of criminals to a family! You don't even know how much we've lost, how much we've bled, how much died for our survival. You don't know anything about them! You don't now anything about MY people!"

Dad was holding back. I could see it. Everybody could.

Me "i kept them alive. I did the thing you couldn't do, i protected them! "

Dad yelled "Enough! Melissa!"

I raised an eyebrow "or what? Am i gonna get 10 lashes, too. what will you do to me, Chancellor?"

Abby warned "Melissa, Don't"

I kept my eyes on Dad "I told you were our people are and you don't give a fuck. You sent us down here to die, after all. And i swear to god if you do this to Abby now-"

Dad raised an eyebrow "What will you do?"

Me "Abby is the closest i've ever had to a mother. Because the Chancellor took my birth mother away from me. You really wanna be like him?! You really wanna become the one who killed my mother?!"

suddenly my cheek met with a hand.

I held my cheek and held my tears back.

Then i called out, clapping my hands "Ladys and gentleman, the Chancellor of earth!"

Dad looked at his guards "Take her inside. Keep her locked up"

I scoffed.

Two guards grabbed my arms and carried me inside.

Then i heard Abby scream.

They carried me into the lockroom.

I sat down on the chair.

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