"We're Screwed "

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A few days later. In Polis. 

Luna survived the radiation because of her night blood. That's great but also fucked up. Raven, Luna and a couple more made their way to a lab to figured out a way to get Luna's blood to safe us all.

Bellamy had gone out to a hunting party which he did not return from yet. 

I walked into the throne room "Roan, why did you requested my presence?"

Roan „Tell me the plan."

I asked confused „The plan?"

Roan „It's been 3 weeks since you told me Praimfaya would once again destroy our world. Skaikru asked for time to find a solution. What do you have to show for it?"

Me „We're still working on it. Hopefully, with more time-"

Roan " Enough. Echo. "

Suddenly Echo brought in a gagged in tied up Bellamy and Stephens. 

My jaw dropped "Stephens, Bellamy, what on earth? What is this? "

Roan stood up "Echo saw your people rebuilding your ship. She captured these two hunting in my woods. This one says it's a shelter from the radiation."

Me „It's a backup plan, nothing more. "

Roan nodded "He said that, too, just before he told us that you have a Nightblood. "

i looked at Stephens who looked down "seriously?"

Roan nodded "It's a good thing the Flame's been destroyed, or I'd be worried you're planning an ascension. "

Me "You have to trust me, Roan. We discovered that Nightblood helps metabolize radiation. We're investigating ways to create it for everyone, turn everyone into Nightbloods so we can all survive."

Echo „Blasphemy. Nothing they tell us is true. "

I nodded "This is. It's not blasphemy. It's... its science. If Nightblood can save lives, we should use it. "

Roan nodded to Echo who slit up Stephens' throat. 

I sighed. 

Echo "Warriors don't reveal their secrets."

Roan " Truth is the first causality of war. If your motives were pure, you would've shared your plan with me. Our alliance is broken. "

I shook my head " Roan, no, please."

He said something to Echo. 

Me "Roan, please, don't"

In a cell. 

Bellamy "Doesn't matter what we do. We'll always end up here... in the brink of war. "

Me "Abby's on the island. She'll find a cure. I know she will. Hey... We will get through this. "

The door opened and Echo walked in  "On your feet. "

We stood up. 

Me "What are you doing?"

Roan "We're bringing you home. Your ship is shelter from Praimfaya, so I intend to take it. "

I shook my head "You don't have to do this. We can find a solution together."

Roan "That time has passed. Get them ready to march. "

Bellamy " Octavia will get there first. She'll warn them you're coming. You'll lose. "

Roan looked at Echo. 

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