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Next day. night. 

Octavia and i walked into the radio room. 

Looks like Echo was successful. 

Octavia"The spy did her job?"

Bellamy " Uh, we were just about to send for you. Told you Echo would get it done."

Octavia" Can the enemy still see us?"

Monty" For now, yes. It's technical, but--"

Cooper"He has to run a loop to mask our troop movements. When the time comes, we need to clear the surface to reduce the risk of anyone noticing the same people moving in the same direction again and again."

Octavia nodded " Well done, Monty."

Then she turned to Miller " Load the worms into the rover and mobilize the army. War is here."

In the war room. morning. 

Octavia" We know that there are three entry points to the valley. While Cooper, Madi and I soften the battlefield, Miller will lead the first batallion through the Southern tributary."

Miller froze " First?"

Octavia" You have a problem with that?"

Miller shook his head " No, but the first batallion's Indra's."

Octavia" Not anymore."

Miller looked at Indra. 

Indra" It's fine, Nathan. You're prepared."

Octavia" Alright. Madi, come here by me. Cooper, the floor is yours."

Cooper"Worms are thermoreceptors. That means they sense body heat. With Madi's knowledge of the woods, we'll get as close to the village as we can and release them here, here, and here."

In the lab. 

We walked in. 

The worms were dead. 

Indra" I heard screams, but I was too late."

A  body was on the ground.  Kara.

Miller" There's a hole in her glove. Must have got in while she was loading them up."

Indra" I'm sorry, Blodreina-- If I didn't use the gas and the worms escaped into the bunker--"

Octavia"You made the right call, Indra."

Indra"Octavia, I know this isn't a good time, but I feel it's my duty to point out that without the worms to soften the battllefield, the cost in lives will be too high. This is not a war we should fight."

Octavia" Hmm, thank you for your advice, Seda, but we weren't planning on using the worms. We are using their eggs. Whoever wanted to make this look like an accident, they didn't know that, either. Find Clarke and Bellamy."

In a room 

We walked into a room. 

Octavia " Take her."

Miller arrested Clarke"You're under arrest for the murder of Kara Cooper."

Bellamy asked shocked "What? No. This is insane."

Octavia "Is it? We weren't taking the worms. The eggs are already loaded in the rover, so what was Cooper doing there? "

no one said anything. 

Bellamy looked at Clarke. 

Octavia "Careful, big brother, or I'll think you helped her, and we don't have enough prisoners to settle this in the arena."

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