1.18 Anya

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He nodded and i walked away. 

I saw Clarke and Finn "can we go now?"

They nodded and we started walking.

Me "do you even consider that this might be a trap?"

Finn nodded "Yep, but since it's Unity Day, I decided to have hope instead"

I gave him a Are -you- kidding -me look

Then i looked around "Hey guys, i feel a bit dizzy. I'll catch up with you"

Finn asked worried  "you sure?"

I nodded.

He nodded and him and Clarke kept walking.

 I took the cup i still had in my hands and put it on a stone. 

Then i ran to the front to them.


We got to the bridge by morning. I saw the Grounder standing there with Octavia.

Clarke "So that's how you set this up?"

I smirked "I thought you'd fail without me but i was wrong"

Then I hugged Octavia. 

i walked to the Grounder "Can i have the name of my savior?"

Grounder "Lincoln"

I smiled "Thank you, Lincoln, for saving me. And sorry for what Bellamy did to you"

He nodded.

I turned to Clarke "I trust him"

Clarke asked confused "Why?"

Me "If he is like the other Grounders then he would've left me to die back then but he didn't. He killed one of his own to save me"

Finn "someone's coming"

We turned to the other side of the bridge.

Octavia kissed Lincoln. I looked to the side into the woods. I saw Bellamy hiding behind bushes

He was looking down. I looked back to the front.

We heard running.

Two black horses appeared. A brown one walked between them to us and the woman climbed down.

I looked at Clarke who nodded at me. We walked to the leader. 

 We met in the middle of the bridge.

The woman looked typical Grounder like.

She looked at me "Your name is Melissa and your name is.."

She looked at Clarke "Clarke?"

We nodded.

Anya "I'm Anya"

Then Clarke held her hand out for Anya to shake it. I could face palm myself right now. Anya wasn't having it so Clarke took the hand down.

Clarke "i think we got off a rough start, but we want to find a way to live together in peace. "

Anya "i understand. You started a war that you don't know how to end"

Me "we didn't start anything. You attacked us for no reason"

Anya snapped "no reason? The missles you launched burned a village to the ground"

I looked at Clarke and then back to Anya "the flares?. No. That was a signal meant for our families. "

Clarke "We had no idea-"

Anya "You're invaders. Your ship landed in our territory. "

Me "With all respect but we didn't know that anybody existed on earth"

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