Three Months Later

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It's been three months. Three god damned months since the incident at Mount Weather.

Jasper is barely talking to me or to Monty. His new best friend is booze.

Dad and Abby are both Chancellor of Arkadia. Yeah, we named this" Arkadia".

Lincoln is turning more and more into one of us which Octavia does not like at all. She hates the people here, who can blame her.

John and Jaha took off to god knows where. Raven is having trouble with her leg since those assholes drilled a hole in it.

The people have accepted Bellamy and me as leaders. He and i are better than ever and i love it. I have the coughing under control.

Well, there hasn't  been any real stress in the past three months. My father had, you know, that special talk that dads have with their daughter's boyfriends, and it was pretty embarrassing for me. Like really, embarrassing. 

I mean, i'm 23 for god's sake.

There's still no sign of Clarke. We've made search parties to look for her and the other stations of the ark which had broken off when the ark came down to earth.

I was sitting on the desk of my dad's office. Abby was sleeping on the sofa. My dad was marking areas on the map of the woods.

There was a knock on the door. We looked at it. Bellamy stood there.

Dad signaled him to be quiet and to come in "This is the first sleep the Chancellor's had in two days"

Bellamy nodded "i'll be quick, then. We're going into sector 7. I think we should arm the entire unit."

Dad looked at me.

I shrugged and nodded.

Dad nodded at Bellamy "Permission granted, but the rules of engagement still apply...nonlethal response"

Bellamy nodded "copy that"

i stood up and walked to Bellamy. He smiled and put an arm around me. We turned around to leave but Dad stopped us.

Dad "Bellamy"

We turned around.

Dad "There hasn't been an attack since Mount Weather. It's three months. Our people believe that this is real peace. Try not to screw that up"

Bellamy chuckled and nodded "yes, sir"

Then we walked out. We walked to the garage hall area.

Me "how was training?"

Bellamy nodded "good"

I raised an eyebrow amused "Linc kicked your ass, didn't he?"

Bellamy chuckled "i let him"

I laughed "of course you did"

Bellamy "you coming with me?"

I shrugged "If you want me to come with you"

Bellamy nodded  "then you are coming"

We saw Monty sitting on a table.

Bellamy asked irritated "Monty, why aren't you ready?"

Monty turned to us "i am. "

He nodded at Jasper "He's not"

Jasper was lying blacked out under a table. I sighed. 

Monty "What should we do?"

Bellamy "we should leave him this time"

I shook my head "He's getting worse"

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