1.38 "Thank You, Princess"

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I shook my head "It won't work"

Clarke nodded "i know"

Me "Get close to him. End it."

Clarke asked confused "What do you mean?"

I stopped walking "Tell him how you feel. How you really feel. It's better than torture"

Clarke "Are you sure?"

I nodded "It's better he sees your face before...."

I didn't finish the sentence. I didn't have to.

We started to walk again. There were grounders standing in front of us. They let us pass through. We walked to the Commander's tent. Indra was standing there and death glaring us.

She pointed a spear at my stomach.

I took a deep breath "We're here to talk to your Commander"

I slowly pressed forward. The blade of the spear was slowly ramming through my shirt. My stomach began to bleed a little.

Clarke "Let us through"

The Commander walked out of the tent "Let them pass"

Indra backed off.

Clarke and i walked to the Commander.

The Commander looked at me "you bleed for nothing. Neither of you can stop this. "

Clarke shook her head "No. Only you can"

The Grounders started to shout. Grounders brought Finn to the wooden post they had chained him to. He looked shocked as he saw me.

Clarke "Show my people how powerful you are. Show them you can be merciful. Show them you're not a savage. "

Commander "We are what we are"

Clarke "then i'm a killer. I burned three hundred of your people."

Me " i slit a man's throat and watched him die. "

Clarke "i'm soaked in Grounder blood. Take me"

My head snapped to her.

I whispered "Clarke"

Commander "But Finn is guilty. "

Clarke shook her head "No. He did it for me."

She sobbed "he did it for me"

Commander "Then he dies for you"

I looked down and grabbed Clarke's hand.

Clarke "Can we say goodbye?"

The Commander nodded. Clarke and i walked to him.

Clarke let go of my hand and kissed him.

Clarke sobbed "i love you, too"

Finn "i'm scared"

I gave him a hug "Thank you, Finn. For everything you've done for us"

He nodded "thank you, too, Mel"

I nodded.

I let go of him and looked at Clarke. She sighed and nodded.

Clarke hugged him and sobbed "You're gonna be okay"

I saw her ramming the knife into his side.

Finn cracked out "Thanks, princess"

His body went limp but the chains held him back from falling to the ground.

Clarke let go of him. I put an arm around her. We turned to the Commander. She was shocked.

Indra and some grounders came at us but the Commander held them back "It is done!"

I could hear Raven cry from here.

I could see her on the ground. Bellamy was holding her.


Clarke and i were sitting in the Commander's camp. Alone. She was breathing shakily. Abby walked in and walked to us. Dad came in next. I stood up and walked to him.

I hugged him "Daddy"

He hugged me back.

Clarke sobbed "they would've tortured him...i had to. i-"

Abby nodded "it's okay. It's okay"

Clarke sobbed "What did i do?"

A grounder walked inside.

Grounder "The Commander is ready to talk"

I let go of dad.

The Commander and Indra walked inside. The Commander sat down on her throne.

Commander "Blood has answered blood. Some on my side say that's not enough. They wanted the murderer to suffer as to tradition demands, but they do not know that your suffering will be worse. What you did tonight will haunt you until the end of our days. Both of you. Still, there will be restitution. The body will be given to the people of Ton-dc, murderer and murder joined by fire. Only then we can have peace. "

Dad shook his head"no. No. we've done enough. The boy should be buried by his own people"

Indra "Enough? we owed the pain of 18 deaths. We were owed our righteous kill. My village deserves justice. "

Abby "You don't want justice. You want vengeance"

Indra snarled "you have not seen my vengeance"

Me "You get the boy...but when it's over, we talk about how to get our people out of Mount Weather, all of our people"

Commander "We want the same things, Melissa. "

Me "When do we leave?"

Commander "Now"

She stood up "Choose your attendants"

All grounders and the Commander walked out.

Dad shook his head "Mel, you don't have to do this"

I nodded "yes, i do. If this truce doesn't hold..."

Clarke "then we killed Finn for nothing"

I walked out of the tent.

I saw Raven kneeling in front of Finn's body.

I walked to her.

Raven "Go away"

Me "i'm so sorry, Raven"

Clarke walked to us.

Raven stood up and came at her "i said, go away!"

Clarke "i know how hard this must be for you, but Mel and i are leaving with the Grounders, and we need you to keep working on the radio"

Two grounders came and grabbed Finn's body.

Raven "What are you doing? What are you doing?"

Me "It's part of the deal. Give us a minute"

The Grounders let him there.

She looked at me. She looked at me with betrayal and disappointment.

Raven "You agreed to this?"

Clarke "We're taking him back to the village where the massacre took place. There's a death ritual. It's the only way to get our people out of Mount Weather"

Raven "Then i'm coming, too. And don't worry, i'll bring your damn radio"

She walked past us away. I looked at Clarke.

The grounders came back and carried to body away.

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