💫 vacation💫 Edited

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Marmah reajusted her sun glasses she's presently at some beach in Australia where she came for some vacation very away from all the chaos happening back in Nigeria which see found very stupid and childish the man is clearly out of his mind.

Sipping on her chilled orange juice which is very natural and got the taste on her blade, marmah took the shade off sitting back down on her beach chairs, not liking the sun.

She quickly walked back to her Lough which was by the side of the beach but at the very far end.

She brought her phone out of her back which has been ringing.

"Ummi" marmah called out at her mother after pressing the phone on her ears and settling back down on the bed.

"Mummy I told you am fine I just have to clear off my mind from all those stuffs" marmah tried convincing her mum who wasn't getting any of it.

Sabat doesn't know why her daughter doesn't want any man in her life, media and now ever one around the country are pionting fingures at her not been married she's just 22 for crying out loud and not ready for getting married.

Can't they see she's just she's too young and not ready to get settled.

"Ummi I'll think about it and come back soon" marmah said over the phone before getting the phone off her eyes.

Iklil came right into the room after marmah got off the phone settling next on her best friend by the bed.

"Could you believe and you didn't tell me a word about any of this" iklil goshed shoving her phone to marmah's face who knew it was coming sooner or later.

she Never never told her friend she came all the way from Nigeria just to escape headless problem going around in the country.

"I'm sorry" marmah apologized flatly to her friends,  she could have told her.

"Seriously sorry won't make me not be mad at you ziyah, you kept such important stuff away from me" iklil kept gushing about how unhappy she was which only further irritated marmah to the brim.

"Wat do you want me to say, that a bastard claimed to love me and just because I rejected him made media to start pointing accusing fingures at me that m a homosexual what else" see was already tearing apart.

Iklil only draw smoothing cricles on her back letting her sob dye down before see pulled out of the hug.

"Wat the hell is this" Akhtar whispered yelled to Deen face, it was just yesterday see saw all what was trending on the media Twitter precisely.

"Please" Deen whispered from above the conforter he was in feeling so much headache not to talk of the amount of cool he was feeling even his teeth seems to be like ice.

He just closed his eyes tightly feeling the hot tears rolling down his eyes, before he knew it akthar took away the conforter that was helping him away from the cold.

"Fuck" he cursed opening his eyes, akthar was damn scared of him after seeing how dark his haze eye ball where, she was quick to drop the conforter over him and walk out of the room of cause banging the door hard on him.

"Could you even believe the girl doesn't even love him shes out of the country" Akhtar gushed into the phone to only god knows who Deen walked her maybe he should warn her never to try anything stupid again because even his mother and sister ain't saying anything about it.

"Get ready pick some clothes am dropping you off at mummies" the tone he used was wat send shiver down her spine he still have a dark eyes with a frowned brows.

Akthar quickly left to change into something more comfortable and presentation because she was only dressed in a black short and a bra which was all because of the Mr who now want to add a second wife which will never happen even if it's in her second life.

"Look you need to Know your limits" Deen warned clearly irritated by her behaviors.

He was standing by the last stair wen she came engulfing him in a hug from behind, akhtar just scoffed loudly of course enough for him to her because see knows he will come over and that wen she will give him her own taste of medicine.

The drive to the mansion was a pin drop silent with only the buzzing sound of the air-conditioning, akhtar was typing furiously on her phone while Deen was just resting his head which was still heavy from headache.

He started dozing off when he hard her calling out his name "babbyyyyy baby we are here" Deen hissed lightly underneath his breath getting off the car.

How's the chapter so fasting is about to start 😪 all the stress sef school and all please your prayers are needed.
Many people

Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab

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