💫 Mistake💫 Edited

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Chapter dedicated to H_AuwalHalliru & yasmeenah_m thanks for voting on the previous chapter ♥️

Everything seems to be moving in fast rate, mermah stared at the denims wall paper in her living room lost in thought.

Her whole life has become something she couldn't point a finger at everything just seem messed up.

Her thoughts drafted to some weeks ago where her ummah was asking her to reconsider Almas marriage proposal.

Why will she even do that, accept his proposal never even if it means there are the only life's living on Earth then she's never going to marry him.

"It's hard for someone to marry you after the incident mermah's"
her mother trying to console her.

Only if they know Almas was behind everything, and still playing innocent, why is he even doing all this.

She whipped the tears away with her both palms getting on her feet to go to the garden and stop all the unnecessary thinking.

"I told you wallahi Alma's you must marry her, what do you shame us the money is what I want you to think about you should be patient she must marry you."
Hajiya Amina word echo in mermah's ears as she stopped in her track listening to who she consider an anty conspiracy on her.

Now she got why the boy want to marry her, so it's all about the money she's going to deal with all of them.

Mermah didn't turn around and go back to her room to cry herself like what her mind was telling her instead she worked with her brains, she calm into the corridor down the stairs smiling at her mother in-law to-be in there dreams.

Hajiya jaws dropped at the sight before her, her heart stop beating for a while with the smile on the stupid girl's face was adding to her heart beat.

"Sannu anty"
(Welcome anty)
Mermah greeted after reading the woman's expression.

Indeed she's guilty just imagine how she was behaving like a deer spotted in highlight, mermah shocked her head and sat on the swing in the garden.

So the game just started,
"mermah dinner is ready"
she heard her ummah's voice yelling from the house interrupting her thoughts.

Mermah sat up from the swing and walk toward the direction of the house humming a song to herself.

She stood looking at the dinner table occupied with people the call family members but they are actually back stabber, masking her surprise with a smile.

She took a sit next to her mother who was sited facing the head table which was supposed to be where her father would be sited on, his mother was sited on the sit, "evil witch"
mermah whispered under her breath.

Only the sound of there cutlery getting in contact with the plastic ceramic was heard around the room.

"So I know you all must be Wondering why I called for this meeting"
gwogwo jumai asked after making sure they where all done eating.

Getting no answer from them all she continued with her speech.
"I'll start by thanking the almighty lord for sparing our lives and may Akbar soul Rest In Peace"
the room went with everyone mumbling an ameen and a silent prayers understand his breath.

Only for hajiya Amina who was sick and tired of all this and can't wait for it to get over with.

She hate the old woman with great passion, but she doesn't seems to care because she was her sisters daughter, who made her marry her son of course not the rich one but the poor one, she got him married to a rich woman and not her.

Since from the start wen hajiya amina got married to danjuma as per her mother who was gwagwo jumai's half sister which was for them to get the money if her husband dies.

To them the money was Alhaji's own which danjuma as the first born was going to inherit, but as Amina got into the family everything became clear to her that all the money was actually sabat which made her grow so much hatred for her.

"As you all know we are family and supporting each other is what family are best known doing"
gwogwo jumai said pausing before adding.

"I want to see both my grandchildren get married, and nothing can ever stop this marriage".

What the fuck mermah thought how can someone who isn't even her mother make her marry the person she hate most in the world, not even in her wildest dreams, she felt the room suddenly became unbearable for her.

She stood up from her sit in an attempt to leave the now pin drop silent room but was stopped by the word of her grandmother.

"Hey where the hell do you think you are going to",
gwogwo jumai Thundered in her old voice which sounds like a pig grant to mermah's ears.

The gut if this woman mermah thought, stopping in her track before coming face to face to her grandmother.

They both where staring at each other now with so much hatred for each other in there eyes.

They both hate themselves, gwogwo jumai blamed mermah for everything that happened to her son she sees her as a witch, while mermah on the other hand.

She's her grandmother as a witch also who doesn't think straight and a big huge time illerate who in his right senses will hate his sons wife that to when the son loves her so much.

"But at least the girl shouldn't be forced if she doesn't want to get married to him" gwogwo larai said also standing on her feet, no body will make mermah marry who she doesn't want.

"What are you saying larai can't you just see what everyone is seeing who do you think will marry this shameless girl after dragging our family name in the mud, just tell me who?? Isn't she lucky enough that her cousin want to marry her".....

"It's okay gwogwo both of you should just stop!!!"
Mermah yelled whipping the tears that stained her face with the back of her hand.

"No body is ever going to say anything about me getting married never, why do I ever have to get married?? Come to think of it even if no one wants or will marry Mee then it's never have to be him" mermah pointed get finger at Almas who was dressed so casually with no care In the world.

"Even if million of girls are left in the world and only Almas is remaining as a male then no mistake is ever going to make me marry him.

Yes I Know his my cousin who wants to help marry his cousin so that there family bane won't be drag in mud then I thank him so very much and also urge him to please hold his help as you all could clearly see no one is a handicap asking for his help"

The sound of a resounding slap was what got my attention back into the room, my eyes wilden as saucer to see who was slapped and by who😝

Yes you all guessed right, so how was the chappy is it a yeehh or nehhh.

Happy new month.

It's my birthday months guys 😊

Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu Xynab

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