💫I love you💫 Edited

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January 2011

Deen and Rafah relationship was the best ever there relationship started from a mere friendship to something else.

Rafah strongly believe she's in love with Deen but doesn't even know how to tell him at 18 she was sure she found a life partner she won't even trade the world for, why will she even they that in the first place.

Deen wasn't in term with his true feeling for Rafah all he knows was she was like a best friend he never hard, but deep down he knows she was more than that to him.

He always felt as if there was this magnetic strings pulling them together, but what every it is he was sure it never going to be love.

He won't try been in love after all there are some things he could never do for love just to get hurt at the end.

A huge price must be played for who ever falls in love, he wasn't even ready to pay the price.

"Have been waiting for you Leo"
Deen said putting on his snickers.

"I was also in a hurry"
Leo defended himself.

Deen knew his friend so well he was Never going to admit he was at fault so he let it slide.

"Am out grannies"
Deen yelled from the hall way leading to the door.

They two friends walked to where they could catch a vehicle to school in what seems to be a comfortable silent none said a word to each other.

Leo knew maybe his friend was angry but mehn, he was also in a hurry so they did not be late for there morning classes.

But deen been hisself isn't going to reason.

"Have you started your the projects"
Leo asked his friend, they where walking to the school cafe where they could meet up with there other friends Anna and Rafah.

"Well I couldn't have enough ideas"
Deen said truth to his words, he didn't have idea on were to site his test project on.

"You could come with me to emmer for some lessons"
Leo suggested he was also having such problem but will meet with coordinator.

"I'll consider that".

They two chatted away on reaching the cafe Anna and Rafah has already occupied a table by the corner where they usually sat.

They friends exchanged Hello's and hi's taking there sites. An English girl with curls on her head stood to there sit.

Since when the two friends walked into the room, she couldn't take off her eyes of Deen beautiful he was very beautiful she thought.

the girl waved at Deen face who didn't even show an interesting face. Today he wasn't wearing his shades so people got to see his coloured eyes.

"Excuse us?"
Rafah asked making good use of her accent, the nerves of this white girl.

She wasn't going to stand anygirl opening flirting with her Deen, no not even in her absence.

The girl was taken aback but was quick to compose herself maybe she's his sister she thought flashing her a beautiful smile.

Rafah felt like rubbing off the stupid irritating smile from the girl's face.

"Well I like him mind giving your number"
the girl said still with the smile.

Rafah felt like screaming this time around she quickly stood on her feet, pushing the girl very hard. Coursing her to fall, all the people in the cafe where stood watching in amazement.

Even Deen was surprised as to why rafah will put such a stun, they where just friends and he has to make it clear to her.

" Rafah!!"
Deen called his tone changing to cold, his face hard his fist clunched.

Rafah didn't even look at him she was staring very hard at the girl who was standing with tears in her eyes.

Deen pulled Rafah with him out of the shop.

"What of that"
he asked still wearing a hard face.

"What was what"
rafah asked raising her vioce,
"what do you think Deen I couldn't stand the girl present"
she added softening her voice whipping her tears that fell off her orbs.

" You hurt her"
Deen asked much like a statement.

"I didn't Deen, I couldn't stand any girl flirting around you okay I love you"
Rafah said now in tear's.

Anna was quick to engulfed her in a hug.


Yho guys what do you all think.

Who saw this coming??

Seriously I never did😁

Rafah loves Deen and she confessed 😉


Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab

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