💫 Accepting her💫Edited

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Deen shoved the paper he was holding back into the cute little box he has placed on his laps.

Maybe Rafah was right he will surely find someone that is going to replace her akhar is the best woman for him, maybe he should stop treating her bad like he always does.

He watched as her petite body cuddle with the comforter on the bed like some cute puppy, then if that's was going to make Rafah Happy just as she said then he will do it a million time for her.

Picking up his phone from the console Deen dialed the only number he knows will save him his emergency speed dial Leo who is madly in love with his sister.

Leo muh'd, voice came sober obviously from sleeping, it was mid night but I can't seem to be left alone I need his company maybe he will understand just how it feels.

"Can I come over to your place" knowing he did be no where else at this hours of the night of course his very comfortable room.

"Mehn please I got to sleep just take care of your wife" Leo came sharply before switching off his phone completely maybe even telling you guard not to let no one into his house at this house of the night.

Maybe Leo was right I have a wife to take care of and not roaming around the lonely roads of Abuja at a very early hour of the morning.

Knowing so well something was amiss to see my sister Calling so early that morning made akhar groan before placing the phone on her ears.

Her voice was hoarse obviously from sleep, "Yaya you have to come over dada is very sick" Nene my sister said in her tick Fulani accent making me drop the comforter from my body.

Not been surprised to spot Deen in the room I hurriedly walked into the bathroom to take a very quick shower and set off to yobe where my family life.

As i walked out of the toilet with a pink little towel wrapped around my small Petite body, my so beautiful husband was also standing by the door staring down at me like some dinner he will like to devour into, he winked at me matching forward.

I wanted running back into the toilet just so he could let me be but them my legs where glued on the spot not moving an inch.

His breath was fanning over my face, water from the shower I took early was still dripping from my body.

Deen placed his cold hands on my neck making my knee become weak just how much control he has over my body.

He lean in and left a feather like kiss on my neck traveling down to my chest which he already let the towel I had around laying down on the floor, I wanted telling him to stop that I need to go yobe my father is sick.

I felt his lips on mine placing kisses on my lips.

"Babbyyyyy" I winced wanting him to stop the teasing and let's get over with it.

"Yess babbyyyyy mama" his deap sexy voice groan a loud moan escaping my lips as I felt his lips on my chest, he picked me to the bed that was how my day started with me been in my husband's arms for three good hours, does he ever get tired I thought in my head with his hand still playing with my breast.

A moan escaped my lips as I pushed my slender red stains fingers into his full hair making him groan.

The sound of his phone ringing from the console was what made him pull up, picking up his phone. I watched as his body moved like some athlete.

His reaction didn't seem right as he put the phone back on the console.

He brought me to his chest drawing smoothing circle on my back, I didn't think something bad happened untill he started with every soul must taste death and then it occurred to me that I had a father who was sick subhanAllah tears where already filling my vision.

I couldn't hold it any longer a felt a sharp pain stroking my heart my tears has drained his body I pulled out from his embrace.

Shaking his arms "don't tell me my father is no more, please don't, his the only person I have left my mother died when I was just three now him please" I keep shaking my husband hand who just hugged me drawing smoothing circle on my back.

I got up after my cry subsided to take my bath and get dress so we could take off to yobe I lost balance and slipped on the hard marble tiled floor hitting my head and stomach very hard

Yeah I wanted making it longer but them I know maybe longer chapters are so boring, should I make my chapter longer or they are okay this way.

Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab

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