💫Kano💫 Edited

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The wind was chilly making mermah pull her veil to stay in the right position for the the un countable time. She lost counts of, "this place is so windy" she said out her thoughts loud only to earn a soft chuckle from Ahmed who seemed so engrossed with the wheels.

"I told you, but you insisted to have the window down" a pout was already on her lips at the end of his word making him bubble down the laughter forming in his throats.

Taking a glimpse of his face, mermah places back her head on the window watching the beautiful view of the town with the breeze making contact with her face, it was the best feeling she ever heard.

"So m I dropping you at our home" Ahmed joked getting her head back In to the car, mermah send him a playful glare wanting to give him a hard knot on his fine weaved hair, but couldn't just put herself to do that, his hair was something she always admired wanting to let her long slander fingures run through those silk looking stuff making her jealous of how he always manage to make them too clean and shinny.

Not to talk about his full chin breads face making him have the exert looks she so much wants her man to have, all hairy was her options not that she was dirty but been all shaved and clean make a man look so young and irresponsible.

The ringing sounds of her phone from her bag was what got her again,"you see the girl can't wait to see me" tapping the green button she opened the phone on speaker resting her head on her head rest as she closed her eyes briefly.

"Girl you better bring you ass right now have been watching over the door for you" iklil voice was dropping at the end making mermah chuckled loudly.

"Ahhhh someone missed me this much" Ahmed passsed her a knowing look chuckling along with her.

"Don't just tell me the traitor is there with you" iklil asked not believing the two where ganging up against her.

"Woah lil miss just take a deep breath we are outside your gate" Ahmed informed rolling the wheels into iklil bigs mansion.

Mermah couldn't felt all the attention on them or on her as she walked straight into her sister matrimonial home, it was the first time of her stepping foot into the house after bring her here.

The house was smelling from incense bukour which was so nice, they two settled into the first parlor, and the maids brought trays after trays of refreshments for them making mermah believed she was indeed hungry with the way her stomach was grumbling the smell of the snacks mixed with the pleasant bukour wasn't helping her.

"I think I should get going" Ahmed started but couldn't bring himself to complete his sentence which was soon swallowed down his throat with the glare mermah was sending his way.

"Don't tell me you want to leave without eating" a Stern look was on her face, as she got a fresh disposable plates from the thing the royal maids brought.

Dashing out small scope from all the maids brought in beautiful glittering warmers mermah passed the plate to the love of her life still having a Stern look on her face leaving no room for him to argue .

Ahmed was taking in the food like a child forced to take some bitter nutrition drink, "the face your making will only make you ugly but won't let me change my mind on you not having the plates cleared" mermah threatened.

She watched with loving eyes at the way the man pout his plumpy small pink lips that's want her to so badly taste them but couldn't bring herself to embarrass herself in front of the man she love, from all view he was the righteous type that will never indulge in any halal practice which is good but couldn't help the hormones in her.

"You guys always looks so cute together" ilkil gushed making mermah take her head off his shoulder quickly like a child cut kissing her crush on a prom night.

"I never taught this girl will fall in love with anyone, you really did a great job by swapping her off her feet making her helplessly in love with someone" iklil sing joking making her friend embraced in front of her lover the way she once made her, its a payback time Iklil thought to herself.

Oh how sweet are paybacks, iklil thought liking the way mermah was turning all red.

"I need to freshen up" mermah said out loud trying to change the topic so badly, she so much hated been the center of attention but there was nothing she could do about it.

"Yess baby you need to rest it's going to be a stressed week" Ahmed stated right after mermah closer her mouth.

"Ohh" iklil has a small pout adoring her lips, "you twoo are so cute together you know" she compliment the two couples whole heartedly. It it won't hurt after all seeing her only friend all happily in love.

"May you too be the coolness of each other eyes till eternity" iklil prayed and the room went with ameens flying In the air, "won't you walk him out" iklil whispered yelled into mermah ears making her move far away from her friend who doesn't seem to be alright.

Mermah doubted if iklil was okay from the way she was trying her possible best to become a public nuisance, the girl who was so well mannered and a perfect definition of gentle lady, if there was ever a word as such.

Dragging her lazy self towards the stairs, mermah gave her friend a once over before mouthing on the glassy marbled floor which glittered due to the chandelier light all over the high white decorated roof.

"Right on your track" iklil yelled running after mermah who just shooked her head at her friends childishness.

Short and boring chapter, well I know am just trying to show you all, mermah had finally agreed to settle down that too with the Ahmed guy😪😉.

Well me is Ahmed dama I want not Deen.

So what ship name should we suggested for them.


Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab

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