💫 Addiction💫 Edited

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Taking the cup filled with bear was what Deen took to his lips gulping all the content of the cup down his throat squeezing his face like a five year old after taking a sick pill.

The heaviness of his head as though someone is pounding his brains was what stood him up from the stool he was sited on.

With the wine bottle in his hands as though he will fall he landed on the couch then backed out.

That has been his life style now, he knew deep down all what his doing was Haram but then his far gone beyond call.

Waking up!! he felt light headed got dressed up and left the apartment to his office which wasn't far from the duplex apartment he rented for spending the  night with girls and drinking to his heart content till he blank out.

What he drives joy from just to take his mind away from Rafah on weekends where work wasn't available for him to busy himself with.

The knock on the door was what confirmed his doubt that he had over slept for over 3hours and his food was already at his door step judging from the door bell.

He rushed down stairs to the door where he picked up the take way he ordered 4hours ago to be delivered now, he didn't eat the food because he has no appetite at the moment so he just stuffed the takeaway into the fridge.

The house wasn't anything close to been sparking clean but was never the less clean because he made sure the house is cleaned once at least in a week.

He never wanted to be left alone with an opposite gender afraid to start hallucinating and get into any heat moment with someone thinking it rafah.

He remembered the very first kiss they had at her doorstep when he escorted her to her house after the dinnner she had with his family, when his mother and sister first came to Berlin to see him.

He remembered how badly he treated her all those time, he quickly got of from the sofa he downed in, walked into the walkin closet.

Quickly got into a black and blue strip sweat pants with its matching long sleave sweater shirt, the weather was something not to talk about.

But he has gottten so adopted to it that he always imagine going back to nigeria and dying because of how harsh the weather will always be.

Pressing his phone that was blasting next to him on his ears, a smile graced Aleemudeen's lips just after hearing his sisters voice screaming that she passed with a first class degree.

He felt a proudly peng in his heart, "masha Allah sister so happy for you" he said through the speaker after presssing the phone back in his ears because of the scream, he took it off.

"I know but m so happy thank you Bros for making all my dreams come true thank you for been a father figure to me than you so much Jazakallahu khair" he still felt proud at how his sister has totally become a very good muslimerh with strong iman even more than him.

"Common stop that you know m driving now but just text me what you need and wen your coming back" he said before hanging up the call.

Parking at his friends resident he dialed his number before walking out of the car, heading towards the House.

He remembers how Rafah will always be clutching him when there where walking down the lane from his house, looking at the direction he further fasten his speed into the house.

Why do she always get In to his brain why do I always keep thinking about her, subhanAllah I love her so much.

The sight before him was what made him to stop in his track.

Leo and a girl making out he changed his direction towards the other living room just so he won't interrupt there activities.

He sat on the sofa his mind drifting to the first day Rafah mad him knock her.

It wasn't his intentions but with the help of Leo and Rafah they two drugged him and Leo left them alone to have fun.

He remembered how the whole room which was hers the same house he rented as his guess apartment, the same bed he sleep on everything with many girls thinking it's a her.

All the moment they shared, he was angry at his second at first wen he woke up and saw him on her bed with both of them naked.

He felt like the ground should open up and swallow him from shyness and not to talk about the endless forgiveness he seeks from the Lord just cause of how grave he knew the crime was.

"Hi,Deen" his thoughts where interrupted by a petite girl who came to sit beside him on the two sitter soffa he was in.

"Hi" he waved back totally not interested and not wanting to look at her any further afraid something bad will happen to her.

"Am Natasha, Leo's neighbor I just moved in last week" the girl said smiling extending her hands for a shake.

Not wanting to make her feel bad Deen also extended his hands "Deen" he murmured seemily not interested.

"Yess I heard many things about you from Leo always wanting to meet you" she said already on his laps.

Fuck he cursed under his breath he always thinks why girls always jump to him but then his going to give her a taste of her medicine.

"Really?" He asked with a raised browns feeling her hands on his trouser stroking him.

"You got a big baby here"

Ahhh bye no talk
See you all soon and update will be after every 10 days even though m not happy with the poor vote and reads I get 😥😥

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Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab

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