💫Choice💫 Edited

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Everything seemed to be going smoothing mummy was very happy after I broke the new of loving to marry ziyah Hafeez.

She was surprised at first but after I told her she was rafah twin sister she became happy saying I did find happiness at last, since when she came back which was yesterday I didn't see her planning on doing so today when am done in office.


Rafah came hugging me as soon as I set foot into her room, her nanny was sited on the bed holding the other piece of rafah cloths.

It was clear she wanted to bath her,
"My baby"

Picking her up as we tweaked around the room with her,

"How about Daddy bath you"

I offered earning another giggle from rafah, we proceed into the room where the bubble tube was set, rafah always love to have a mid afternoon bubble bath everyday

Reversing the car out of the parking lots, the sound of the music playing in the background was the only thing playing in the car, deen and Mermah where both lost in thought.

Mermah was going to put an end to this, even thought both parent of hers want nothing but to see her settling.

But she wasn't just ready what will Ahmed think that she forgotten him this easily she understood he needs a mother figure for his daughter her son Ahmed needs a father figure too but she wasnt ready to be both for him alas just so she won't betray Ahmed's trust, she won't be able to share herself with someone again never.

"Dinner or movie"

Deen voice asked pulling her out of her train of thought, looking his way to see his eyes was on her long forgetting the wheel which was under his control.

"We are on the road deen"

Mermah remained making him chuckle but pull his gaze back to the road waiting for her answer, they where now roaming around the streets aimlessly with no destination at all maybe he should have figured this out early.

"Why not just find a quite place"

Came merman's voice when he finally give up on her saying a thing.

Nodding his head as he directed his wheel to a location akhtar once took him to when rafah was 3month for a family dinner that was before she was diagnosed with cancer.

What was his fate why was he so unfortunate in life where the thought invading his sanity but he was quick to discharge those thought away from his brains.

Having an emotional breakdown was the last thing he want to have at that moment, his doctor advised him on putting he thought in the back of his mind just for the sake of his sanity, they where hard but he had to do it never the less for the sake of his daughter.

Pushing the tears that where threatening to spill out of his tear dots, Mermah noticed as his grip on the wheel became too tight afraid he would hurt his soft hands with the way he was clutching so hard.

"Uhmmm so what did you think about us"

A sharp breath left Mermah lips, she wanted to look into his eyes and maybe see if he was serious or not, now as she listened to his voice it was dead drop serious as though he was talking about some million business deal.


Mermah called out wanting to talk but felt the need to talk a pause and do some calm breathing exercises before adding on.

"I know maybe you want to be with me because of pity, but m fine and thanks for the care"

Deen ran his hands frustratedly over his over grown hair, he really should get time and shave them.

How was he going to start now, was all his effort in vein. Can't she just see he love her and is doing nothing absolutely nothing out of pity.

"You are my choice and not whatever your trying to fool yourself about, you should just think over this because I'm not just going to sit and watch Am going to fight tooth and nail for you"

The nark was laced in his voice, he sound sincere. He was ready to fight for her why can't he just understand she doesn't want this and will never be ready for it.

"We should get going"

Deen broke her train of climbing down of the car.

It was a silent ride with deen emotions around the place

Hey not less than ten chapters left

He let her know she's his choice and nothing else

Do they have chance of been together

Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu Zaynab

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