💫 Blames💫 Edited

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Staring at the street Deen didn't Know what to feel again, should he be sorry or mad at himself for not taking her to the hospital on the right time.

"Damn" he cursed under his  breath tightening his hold on the mug he was taking to his lips.

A small hiss escaped his lips as he made his way to the toilet to throw up the content in his mouth.

The coffee was nothing compared to how he want his coffee to be done, the chief was new here, he thought ringing the bell to get something to eat for his already grumbling stomach, the last time he eat food was since the last day brunch which was a small slice of cake akthar made him eat.

Soon the chief was standing head bowed in respect, "the coffee wasn't nice" Deen said in a cold voice that sent shivers down the Chief body.

She nodded her head in a yes sir not finding her voice, cause Cox of how death hot she found Deen to be, she stayed rooted in her spot until he gave her a death glares sending her out of his office and never for her to return.

He sat back down on his chair feeling his blood boiling just how can some people be stupid.

Picking up his car key, he drove straight home hopping she cooked something for lunch and luckily he found her in the kitchen.

With her back facing the door, he stood by the door watching over her for only God knows how long till he felt his legs getting sour by each passing second he walked straight into the large kitchen.

"How long have you been there" akhtar turned her back after asking him the question that has been on her mind since see notice his stare at her.

She of cause didn't miss wat see sure in his eyes the desire and pure lust in his eyes, maybe that was what she mistook for his love but now she knows never to expect anything of such from Deen.

A little moan escaped deens lips as he took a bit from the dish which was a Shepard pie he love the taste of her food one of the advantages that his never letting her go not even in his wildest dreams she was already a part of him.

Akthar waited for her husband to say sorry or even put the blame on himself for them losing there baby but nothing came which only furthered irked her to walked out of the room.

Akhar still mad at herself for expecting to much from her husband sat on the bed feeling herself getting moist with tears, she knew she was going to cry if she sees him, she always have that habits of crying over petite issues.

"Why are you here" she heard deens voice behind her but couldn't bring herself to look him in the eyes, doing so will only make her break down but she doesn't want that.

"Yesses am sleeping" her reply came out hoarse making her want to smack herself, she noticed him sit in the other side of the bed but got herself busy with her phone which was surfing thought the media.

Feeling his hot breath nozzling her neck made her feel hot all over, holding on to her phone like her life depended on it eyes shut.

Feeling his cold hands on her bare back send electrocuted shivers down her spine,"why do you have tears on your cheeks" akhar was quick to let her eyes fly open giving room for the tears laying in her eyes to rush put like a river Flow.

Taken aback by the sudden emotional breakdown from his wife deen stared with his eyes widened as saucer, he wasn't one to Know what to do in such situations was he to Pet her or what he was so clueless in not knowing the next move he should take.

Wrapping his arms around her shaking shoulders Deen draws smooth circle making sure her cried her subsided.

Pulling herself out of his comfortable embrace, now her face was all red with worn out eyes, fatt red lips, she was quick to take the toilet roll box placed by the side table to her face.

Deen wanted laughing seeing how her face turned all red from the cries but resisted himself from doing that not untill he knows the source of her cries.

"Why where you crying" akthar found her husband deep voice whispering in her ears in her slumber it felt in the dream until she felt his hands on her tummy.

Swatting her eyes open akhtar gaze fell on her husband burning ones not liking the effect he has on her, "something got into my eyes, and you know how sensitive they are" looking away akthar couldn't let him see right through her facades, she placed her foot down.

"Lemme freshing up and set dinner for us" smiling down at him she made way into the loo

Asalamu alaikum all
Well I don't know the problems with Wattpad I got this chapter written since last year only for me to find it missing 😪.

Just how stressful and I could remember all wat it was about but here it another for cover up,

Take care
Love you
We all are writing exam's wishing us best of luck.

Aleeyu zaynah
All rights reserved
Ongoing edition


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