💫Early years at Berlin 💫Edited

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"Good morning"
Deen greeted his grand parents who were sited over the table eating thier breakfast.

This was his fifth day in the city without his mother and sister he missed them alot.

"Come sit"
grandma Claudia said to aleemudeen pulling a sit for him.

He sat on the chair with a sheepish smile playing on his lips
" Wat will you like dear"
she asked,. ..

He wasn't used to thier kind of food but he liked the taste.

Wen he first arrive he tried a dish, he could never thought of eating. yess it was wat he heard grandma called a cheese omelette, like a pancake but it wasn't.

He was severed carbonara.
"Grandma your dishes are delicious, you did teach me"

They both laughed at his cheesiness.

"Am off "
he waved walking out of the house, he was going sight seeing with there neighbor his new friend, Leo.

"Man, Leo hugged Deen"
Deen just smiled patting Leo's shoulders.

aleemudeen exclaimed at the sight before him his jaws dropped, Leo smiled sheepishly at him.

Deen, Leo stopped by a coffee shop to rest which was Leo's suggestion, Deen didn't get enough of the country he wanted to explore more but Leo suggested they stop bye.

a black girl waved her skin was perfect Deen thought,
"Anna Marie"
Leo called getting up from his sit the coffee shop wasn't filled just a few teens Gisting loudly.

"Anna this Deen my new neighbor Deen this Anna my best buddy"
Leo said extending his hands for some shake with Anna who was growling over Deen.

Deen waved his hands at the beautiful petite girl who was flashing him her perfect set of dentation.

The three chatted away care freely as though they where some long lost found best friends.

" I have to go Leo and Deen"
anna said stopping by the bus stop she had some classes to catch and won't want to be late, leaving the two to walk back home.

"Am back home"
Deen said the house seems quite wondering if his grand parents where around, he slumped on the couch removing his snickers.

Deen was quickly taken into a deep slumber because of the stress he attained working around the streets with the two new friends he had made.


Marmarh adjusted the maroon veil around her head, she was dressed in a jumpsuit, a half kimono over it. Picking up her mind versaci bag on the night stand she strolled out of the room.

"Salamu alaikum"
mermah prayed pushing the living room. Door but no one was there, moving fast into the long hall way she opened the last door in the extreme end.

"Ummah!! Am set"
mermah said twisting the door nob.
She founded her mom sited by the bed.

As soon as mermah walked into the room sabat quick whipped the lone tears that fell off her eyes, but mermah was quick to get it she moved like a flash to her ummah sat.

"Did something happen ummah, I told you to tell me if you ain't comfortable with her stay here"
mermah said pulling her mother in a hug.

She has no doubt that her father's mother is always behind her father's tears.

"Common ummah, you shouldn't worry yourself about this"
mermah said trying hard to pursued her.

Sabat could have at least get use to gwogwo jumai's hatered, but hatered isn't a thing one could get use to it.

Only if she didn't insulted her in mommie face,
"okay we should be leaving we don't want them waiting for us"
sabat said to her only child, who she loved dearly cleaning the tears off her face.

"My ummah looks breathtaking"
mermah said to cheer up her mother which she actually succeeded.


Another updated.
Update won't be frequent, but I'll try dropping something at least every two weeks.

Tell me what you think 😪
Are you enjoying it. I know this chapter is a lil cheesy but we will do better in coming chapters.

Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab

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