💫Shining Amor💫 Edited

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Nigeria 🇳🇬

The wedding preparations was in full swag making Mermah want to scream, she was sulking in annoyance like always with her siblings all over the place talking about how the events and the whole wedding was going to be.

Only if she can make them understand, Mermah thought resting herself back on the couch presenting in a fashion home,
Grumbling under her breath before standing to her feet Mermah rolled her eyes at the display of her sister.

Wondering how she even knew someone from Nigeria was beyond her, "will you stop staring and come in"

After pulling away from the hug, fajr remained her, Mermah resisted the urge to roll her eyes at her silly young sister the girl seemed to forget she was way older than her.

The renown's fashion designer who was the top one in the whole of Africa stoped watching as the two siblings banter away, she couldn't still believe she was going to be the designer for the richest woman in the whole of Africa, gulping down her anxiety she turned toward the woman she always look up to million years ago.

At twenty farida has achieved that much because she believed she could do it to the top all thanks to the motivation she received from the woman she couldn't believe was sitting in her office, not that she was a blogger or motivational speaker no but a lots of the challenges she face up in her life was known to the whole world and all thanks to the media.

Farida smiled warmly at Mermah who did the same before they all went back to business which was at all not boring compared to how Mermah has thought of it to be.

"It's was really nice with you"

The two shook hands before they exited the room into there car which was waiting for them.

Mermah walked Into the house with her veil which was wrapped in a beautiful turban around her head, in her hands.

Her feet are barefooted with her shoes long forgotten in the car, Ahmed came crashing into her upon sighting her from the camera,
"You really seemed tired mummy"

Ahmed said helping with her bag, he dragged her hands with his toward the living room where deen was sited waiting for her.

Mermah felt no word formed in her throat even when she tried, her traitor of a son had already ran to his soon to be father sitting on his laps.

"You should sit"

Deen suggested seeing as she might get more tired from standing not knowing what to do other than standing Mermah moved to the sit satwrapping the veil loosely around her head.

The relationship between the two was now improving not like before, deen always stop by everyday after working hours only on weekend where he doesn't go to work or when he was out of the country.

"Daddy, the chocolate you promised to give more if I bring Ummi to you"

Ahmed asked tapping on deen to get his attention off his mother and back to him, ruffling the boys hair which made Ahmed's furious.

"Daddy" Ahmed called out in an angry voice.

"Maybe I should leave you two together to freshen up"

Mermah was already on her feet on reaching the door she had a distant yes from deen, with a smile on her face she left for her room.

Strapping her cloths Mermah got into the warm water washed away her stressed with a pink towel around her chest so loosely.

Wrestling into a pain lilac crack rich chiffon maxi dress, squared neck, satin rob tight securely behind her back, black shinny raw silk wrapped in a turbans on her forehead leaving behind the low bun of her hair.

Black crestfallen wristwatch clamped on her waist, glossing her lips with an invisible gloss, Mermah picked up her black purse under her arms.

Aleemudeen was chatting away with Ahmed and fajr when Mermah walked into the living room they all stopped took a glance at her before fajr left with Ahmed smiling at her sister who scoffed internally because of her sister's lame behavior.

"Shinny amore"

The name was cheesy at first when deen called her that after but after getting been called with it almost every now and then Mermah found herself smiling always at the mention of it.

Glaring playful at her soon to to be husband in spans of a months.

Aleemudeen giggle like a child high on sugar, Mermah couldn't help but look at him she couldn't help what she was feeling for him but wasn't sure it was love.

Not at the stage but will definitely find it after the wedding she's giving it all her all.

"So we have 31days more"

Deen asked wiggling his brows, he was so carefree with her Mermah thought maybe she should also do him a favor of been.

"And we will be tied forever"

Deen has to raise his head to be sure she was the one speaking yet she gave him a cheesy smile.

"Awwwn my heart"

He placed his hand dramatically on his chest, Mermah made sure she rolled her eyes perfectly at his face.

"You should grow up man"

Glaring at him playfully deen chuckled winking at her

Is it only me or the really made beautiful couples

Bring your asobi

Two more chapters to go


Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu Zaynab

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