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New York City

No one was saying a word to another as we sat across another on the cafe chair each busy with his coffee I was having cappuccino while he went for some dark coffee with zero sugar, picturing myself taking it but end up squeezing my Pretty face in disgust.

Watching out the window as everyone was passing but not even paying attention to another, it was hot summer day that only a cup of cupa would cool of the tension and thickness in the air.

My thought wondered to Ahmed and what he was up to now, my phone beamed showing a FaceTime call from Ahmed who I was thinking of at the moment? Picking the phone on the table I slide the green button as the call connects adjusted my veil around my face.

"Ummi" he beamed showing his two dimples like his fathers Ahmed looked every inch like me but have the complexion of his father which was brown his grap teeth and dimple was also a quality of his father.

Some of his attitude also including the constant nagging behaviors which was Ahmed's and also mine, but the way he talks walks and also eats was Ahmed I don't even know and can't say how he got the trait of been social media celebrity.

Ahmed was already having a page with millions of followers on instagram that I couldn't even imagine how he goes about with that, I couldn't even think of how he managed that all I know was I never deprive me child of anything I know he wanted.

All I do was made sure Ahmed was heavily guarded with securities under my close watch.

"Ummi could you believe the video I made of how I always do my keffiyeh is the second most highest view on instagram" Ahmed rambled some more about how he couldn't believe his followers are growing massively in a day, we Called it a day before we left the coffees shop with no one saying a word to another.

We walked hand In hand to the apartment in which we share in the hotel which has two en-suite large sleeping room although I have never been to his room but I was sure his was larger than mine because it was the masters bedroom.

He collapsed on the off white sofa stretching his legs out on the center table, I proceeded to my room leaving him all to himself in the living room.






I always wanted telling her how I feel about her but was so much afraid of getting my heart broken once again I hate the feeling of been rejected it make me feel as though I'm not up to her standards.

Standing by the kitchen door as I lean my back on the wall I watch as she swag her hip from one side to another dancing from the music playing from her AirPods, I shook my head walk to the island just to get a better look of her face.

She turned giving me a confused look as I shrugged instead asking what she has for us, "Mac cheese" she said staring back at the pot before turning the gas of, "will you mind getting me a cup of coffee" I requested.

I didn't know if she could make one or not I just asked thinking she could, she just stared at me before shaking her head. "Actually I never know how to make that" she pointed not looking at me as she dashed the food into two glass bowl, she placed the two bowl on the dining table for two at the far end of the kitchen then preceded to the fridges.

"What will you like" she asked pushing her head inside the fridge, "soda will do" I settled on the dining chair which was a stool.

Maybe I should ask her out but what will she think of me, I shoved the thoughts at the back of my head maybe I shouldn't ruin our friendship maybe she wasn't ready to move on which am sure she has to be it been years and mourn over a departed person won't bring him back.

My phone buzzed pulling it out of my trousers Ammmi with a red heart emoji was written boldly on the scream making me to sign, it was Khadijah rafah saves the number the way she wanted on my phone, it was a WhatsApp video call I received the call waiting for hers to connect.

"Daddy I so much miss you when are you coming home" rafah asked as soon as the call connected showing her face she was still in her school wears which only meant one thing Khadijah picked her up from school.

"Don't worry baby I'll be back soon before you know it" I whisper the biggest part of my heart seemed to not want to go back home because I won't get to see her pretty face every morning I won't get to eat her not so tasty food which was now my favorite I loved the way her food tasted on my lips.

" Daddy say hi to ammi" rafah turned the camera toward Khadijah who was driving, she was quick to adjust her veil then waved a hi at me.

My relationship with my said fiancé was never one I love, it was always awkward with us we never stay together talking for a minute I wonder if it was the best thing getting married to someone I have no regard for.

"Daddy why are you always lost" rafahs asked with a pout on her lips, "baby girl I have to hung up now am busy" I said ending the call.

Mermah was no where to be found as I ended the call, sighted her in the television house watching over a movie made me sink beside her


Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu Zaynab

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