💫New year💫 Edited

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First January 2015

Aleemudeen's POV

My gaze watch the empty street as the snow fall, the chill breeze and the cold weather not helping matters, for days we ain't able to go out.

Remembering how my first years in the country went by with me been so sick during such weather and now here I am Alhmdulilah thanks and praise be to Allah the Lord of the world.

Eyes fixed at the glass windowing watching the snow fall and make a hip, a smile Grace itself on my face imagine me and Rafah playing in the snow throwing ice on each other.

The smile quickly flittered away after releasing it was all imagine because my little thought got ruined by the sound of my sisters asking if I care of some hot coco.

"Of course I do care"
I said smiling at her, she nodded and took her leave only to resume with two cup of hot steaming coco in her hands.

Passing me one I murmured a thank you to her almost not audible enough for someone who isn't my sister.

"Your welcome"
she replied sweetly with a smile, placing the cup over her mouth taking a sip from it.

I stared at her not realizing untill wen I heard sounds of her, clapping her hands which quickly got my attention back, only to see it was my sister and not Rafah.

My gaze fell on the cup which was almost getting cold,
"you are supposed to get over her ya" saboor said very calmly afraid of any out brust from me.

This isn't the first neither the second nor last, my family are trying to make me get over Rafah, but then even I am tried and want to so badly get over her but how.

I just smile at my sister, a thing I hardly do over the years, which got her eyes wilden with surprise only to make me giggle but not out.

Tapping her head lightly, I got up from the love sit I was sited on placing the book I got to read back to the selves and the cup of the now cold coco on the table I walked up the stairs to my room.

The picture of her smiling eyes closed was the first thing my eyes landed on after walking into my nevy blue room with black big royal bed the curtains where down and the AC on making the room chill and comfortable.

The only light in the room was the one from the glass firm of her picture I made, placing both palms on my head as I sat on the single sit in the room.

My head was ablaze, why am I not able to get over her why, I never thought I love her so much. I only accepted her because I never want to see her or any female hurt just how my mother suffered by my dad.

Why is love not fair, to those who fall into it. Why us, it so hurtful and painful I thought.

The trobbing of my head became somehow quite unbearable for me, I quickly got up and made way to the restroom touching the wall for support.

I hate it wen I get this kind of attack, which happens to me almost every day except if her name or anything related to her isn't mentioned.

Letting the cold water from the shower ran down my hair and body making a shiver ran down my Spain, I felt the headache subside a bit.

Turning off the shower I picked a black bathing Rob from the wardrobe immediately walking into the walkin closet which was stored with many clothes I never get the time to wear.

Walking towards the side of my sweat pants where i picked out a neavy blue one, my Snickers diamond Rolex watch a matching sweat shirt with a face cap.

Getting dressed and looking handsome as always I spray my favorite pef all over before walking down the stairs only to See my small family members all dressed waiting for me I guess.

"Good day"
I greeted both my grandparents as I was on the late stairs, I walked further to where my grandmother was took her hands and placed it on my forehead I signed of respect before pecking on her checks.

"How are you my dear"
she asked not because I don't look fine but because she want to Know if I was over Rafah or not.

How do they even expect me to be over her, I shrugged as we walk to the parking lots where many cars where parked.

Working and getting paid 100,000 dollars pounds a mouth  was something else making me have so much money with many zero's in my bank account.

I sat at the back sit knowing we will be taking two cars to the event which was a new year dinner organized by my grandparents friends who where of course Nigeria who where like citizens.

At the event all the people where dressed so gorgeously except me but my family looked so magnificent like some runway models include my old grandparents.

There are all dress in set of tuxedo looking so smartly on sighting Leo I left my family greeting some group of people am not familiar with.

"How are you Bros"
Leo asked giving a once over with a disapproving looking over my dress.

I smile at him pulling him into a brotherly hug which he reciprocated patting me are the back lightly.

" So how's work a double how are you faring"
he asked taking a glass of wine which am so sure with no doubt is an alcoholic one.

He is one person am so free with my very best buddy and only friend, he was one who encouraged me to love Rafah or at least accept her love only for me to fall so deeply.

He didn't ulter any word instead he sipped his drink.

What an update, so far how are we faring, what do you think about Deen not letting go of rahil next chapter is going to be about mermah..

And it's my birthday month anyone who guys the dates correctly get a 1k credit for any network 😉


Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu Xynab

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