💫 Crossing path💫 Edited

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Can't keep calm, it's my birthday month 😌 goshhh I can't believe am growing this fast 😂
Get ready for a long chapter 😑

Drenched in sweat aleemudeen wake up from his dreams just to be welcome with darkness, he through at first he was gone, the light ray sun on his face making him let go of the curtains as he went back into his room.

Mermah was all bored in her office she thought on stopping by the deens where she hunk at the gate, the house seemed empty and not to have the homily feeling place any more.

"You seemed so heavy and could pee the baby out" mummy joke at how huge mermerh's tummy was.

"That all what people say, you know Ahmed was throwing tantrums about going to work when am just eight months away just how time flies"

"Linda bring Rafah"

"OMG the girl is growing so big" mermah pinch Rafah chin, the girl was so beautiful and cute.

"She really is, only if Deen get back to his senses" mummy sign.

"How about I check up on him"

Mermah offered handing back the child to her maid as she was set on her feet to go see aleemudeen and maybe talk him out of this, she'll it might cause him more depression or health.

"He doesn't let anyone Into the room not even me" his Mother whispered afraid he was ear dropping as they where by the door of his room.

"I can help by saying it Rafah maybe he will let me in" mermah blinked back the tears from her eyes.

"Are you sure, what if he doesn't let you go to your husband" mummy was now in tears sobbing lightly, mermah wrapped her hands around the woman she accepted as a mother figure to sharing all her worries with.

"It will be fine you should go away so I could try my luck" mermah offered pushing the maids to take the woman to her room, so she could talk some sense to aleemudeen.

She knocked on the door waited for minutes for any sound to come from the other end but nothing came, she knocked again, "open up Deen it's me Rafah" she said the last word with a shaky voice.

Aleemudeen paused to hear if the sound he was hearing where real and his imagination or maybe someone playing trick on him, maybe his mind actually was.

He paused then heard the same voice threatening for him to open up or she would go away and never come back, he was soon to jump off bed throw the conforter off his body and run to the door.

Rafah stood in all her glory dressed in a blue and orange colored attampa a black veil wrapped around her body then a small bag in her hand, he didn't miss the huge bump he was seeing in her stomach his hand went directly to her stomach and touched right on time the baby kicked vigorously taking mermah by surprised as she almost peed in her pant.

"Are you going to let me in or should I turn and leave" mermah turned around signing the maids to inform mummy that he has finally let the room open.

He shifted making way for her to get onto the room, "isn't this place so dark" mermah asked as she step foot into the room observing the room closely.

"Should we go for a stroll" mermah asked seeing he wasn't ready to say anything he just hold onto her hands as though she was going to disappear anytime, now she wonder if he was ever going to let her go home.

"Thank you dear" Mommy thank as she escorted me to the lots where I drove my car out of the room.

"Where have you been. I have been sick worried" Ahmed asked as soon as I walked into the living room.

I gave him a smile before making a yawn then walked up to my room faking been all tired, "you should eat something should I get the maids to prepare the noodles for you" Ahmed been the best husband ask as soon as I walked out of the walk-in closet dressed in a free gown.

"I can manage going down stairs for dinner" I offered with a smile as I pushed him into the loo to talk a bath cause I said he was stinking which he actually wasn't, Ahmed can be a neat freak his a very organized person.

Even with me been the business tycoon I couldn't help but awwwwwn at how he scheduled all this day activities he never forget to note it down, from walking up, spending one hour after fajr to read the Quran and thirty minutes for azkars.

"Am set babbyyyyy" he lead the way to the dinning area which was just for the two of us a love chair facing eat other and a tea table at the middle.

"I went to see ummi" he started after we where done with dinner and back to our room, I felt a lump in my throat just how much I don't like his mother yet i manage a smile which I doubt he could see right through.

"Really" I asked wanting to sound so interested and happy but my voice calm out the exert opposite, he just smiled took my hands before pushing me deeply in his chest.

Which made my through going to aleemudeen hug early, I was quick to push the thought out of my mind mumbling as astagfurullah undery breath.

"Darling you should sort out your difference with ummi for this life is too short I might not be here tomorrow" while saying those words Ahmed sounded different as though it was a total different person talking about death.

"Noo your not dying soon and leaving me baby not untill you see your twin" mermah whipped the single tears that rolled out of her eyes without her even acknowledging it.

"Fine babe don't cry, but when am gone am sure you will take care of him for me, you will love him and will always pray for me right" mermah couldn't help the tears.

She pulled herself out of his hold sat back on the bed and cried herself,she couldn't imagine her Ahmed death knowing death could come anytime but she could trade anything even her life just not for her to be vulnerable after his gone.

"Babbyyyyy you should stop crying" Ahmed pleaded not liking the way he was crying.

"I just remembered my dad, I loved him so much day yet he left he left may his soul rest in peace I missed him so much when ever I remember him I feel a pain in my heart I feel bitter"

"Shushu it's okay baby Allah's loves him more and his in a better place inshallah may his soul and every Muslim who die rest in peace, may Allah forgive all there crimes"

Daddy I miss you 😪 may your soul rest in peace 😭😭😭😭😭 Ameen

Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu Zaynah

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