💫Grand mama💫 Edited

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Ummah requests I take Ahmed to see his paternal family in Kano which was my late husband mother, father and some of his relatives.

"This place is so noisy"

Ahmed stayed after pulling his head back into the window I wasn't paying much head to him for I was lots in the thought of how the grand mother will react knowing she blamed me for her sons death which the doctors confirm was a natural death but the woman been herself wasn't having any of it.

Wondering why such a person will harbor so much hatred for his dead sons wife was something I couldn't wrap myself around.

The driver was much familiar with where we where heading to for he was still my driver since before I got married, Michel was his name and was no Ahmed's driver.

"Ummi why do you seem all lost and nervous as thought you are scared of something"

"Common it's nothing I just don't know how to face them this the first time we did be meeting after your fathers demise and the very first time am coming here all alone"

"Ummi his in a better place and your not alone we are together in this"

His smile melt my heart I pulled him into a hug to comfort myself which did, I ordered Michel to leave our trolley in the car for I had to see how we will be welcome before the next move.

Pulling at the lots which has so many cars many of which are never used, all Ahmed siblings are married none leave in the house again just the two old couples.

The maid got the door as always, recognizing my face she smiled wildly at me ushering us into the house, the living room was the same as I remember it to be years ago Ahmed was clutching into me like some handbag.

"I did inform hajiya of your arrival"

She dismissed into the states as another maid emerge from the kitchen with some glass of milk and cookies placing it on the table in front of us.

"Thank you"

She hurried from where she emerged as the sound of some shoe making contact with the marble floor took over the room which meant the all mighty hajiya is final gracing us with her o so mighty present.

She emerged from the stairs with wild smile on her face open arms for Ahmed but he gave her this look of we she actually kidding making me to chuckle you all will want to see the look of disappointment on her face which replaced that if the one she had earlier.

"Don't you know am your grand mother Ahmed"

She sounded so stern that made me think Ahmed will get frightened and get into my arms some more but the guy pulled away having a grimes on his face.

"I hate body contact with my strangers dearest grand ma"

Ahmed Made sure he sounded equally stern.


Calling his name with a high necessary pitch just so he knew I was warning him.

"you have spoil the child so much that he seemed to be lacking manners just like you"

She took a place on the three seated sofa we where sited on pulled Ahmed to her hugging him tightly.

"He looks so much like Ahmed"

She complimented making my heart to warm at least he was welcomed there her gesture said it out loud.







Rafah was throwing tantrums like always around the house the girl we giving mummy a hand time she always like that signing as I put the book I was signing aside stretching up to my feet as I made way down the stairs to make sure she shut up noise was something I never entertain for they distract my brains making me confused.

Standing by the stairs case I watch with folded hands as she spiked her body with the cup of cereal the maid passed her way it all unfolded before me.

I couldn't help but shout at her which frightened her from the way she fell from the chair I was quick to get a hold of her hugging her to my chest as I took her up the stairs to my room

She was asleep while we arrived at my room I stared at her sleeping figure sweet was on her forehead as on her head.

Since when khadija got married rafah hasn't been herself although she spent the whole of last week with khadija coming back all grumpy.

The house was getting full for a mini family get together was going to be thrown by the Ahmed grandma to show him to his family.

The day we arrived Ahmed grand father was a little bit mad with me for abondoning then which I apologize and promised not to repeat so, even though our relationship with hajiya was still sore but we in a good term for we get to chitchat about stuffs.

I was still yet to inform them about my decision of getting remarried after so many years I don't know how they will feel about it most especially hajiya herself she did drag me to the mud the main reason why am still yet to inform them





Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu Zaynab

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