💫 Prolusion💫Edited

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The August weather, it's just feels like crab pulling my hair out of frustration.

The sound of my phone bringing me out of my depressed moment, the least I was expecting name popped on my screen, ~•iklil•~ "gosh this girl goina be the death of me" I mumbled under my breath, hitting the green bottom to receive.

I said immediately my voice hit her ear she squalled.
"I still need my ear drums"

"Finally you decided to pick the call, was just sick worried concern bout u"
Checked my phone to be sure.

"ohh ~inayat~ u don't have to be, am a grown up who can take good care of herself "
i ended stressing the good.

"u don't hav to be rude ~iftkhar~ so wassup with u, re u going for the dinner", She asked and I could guess she has a palm over her face.

"Apparently no this weather is just killing me. Am ready but ~ummah~ won't let me set a foot out, she did think i ll be sick or get into trouble"
I said bumping on the bed in full force.

"you must not go, your sure of what going to happened there, so just chill at home". She sounded like the mother she was with some chill in her voice, I rolled my eyes at the phone of course cause she wasn't seeing me.

" ~imtiyas~, I just can't not go after promising him I did be there"
I deepan getting up from the the laying position, I crossed my legs in an Indian style, why ain't they getting it his a changed person.

"ohh then you should apologize am sure he will understand "
she reasoned not liking the idea of me going to the party, who will.

"no he won't, he just will think I played him"
I said truthfully Knowing how Alma's could be at times like this, plus I gave him my words and full assurance I'd be there.

" you see ~ziyah~ wannan advice u not to go there cause any decent girl won't go to such place, you shouldn't trust him after wat he hav done"
I know maybe they said he tried raping some girls but how true can it be. He is my cousin and the person m sure will get married to I loved him. How will I just belief some baseless assumptions from haters, they probably cooked up some sick story which will never work on me.

" I don't wanna think bout the past and I know hav but can't you see his changed, and we Are engaged"

" fine am coming with u"


Av been excited bout the upcoming trip but also sad, am going to leave my only sister and my mother.
Who meant the world to me, it was time for me to make things right for us. I just can't bring myself to think am leaving them so soon just 16 more days I'll be
gone for 4 years which I know deep down will be more than that, but I had to make myself believe I'll come back dinner or later.

"Deen lunch is ready"
saboor said from inside. I was sitted in one of the chairs in the garden lost in my thought.

"I'll be there soon"
yelled back I stood up to get into the house, she served me the food mummy wasn't back but will soon be back.

"Yes we going for shopping wen She's back"
we where done with lunch and washed the dishes, just watching over some old boring movies made me so sick.

We moved here last month the neighborhood feels like crab not like kaduna.

"I miss kaduna and my friends"
saboor said getting all sad from her tone, now taking her face back to the television initially one to start up some conversation.

"Metoo but moving here is more save for mummy"
I said to cheer her up, Knowing back in kd it's wasn't so nice mummy always comes home emotional having her mood spoiled from one way to the other.

"Yes I so much hate pa"
She stated again, making me wonder if I also hate him. I can't actually say what I feel towards him.

" you shouldn't no matter what his our father and besidea he isn't at fault but his family"
I said not knowing I actually did, the truth was that both my parents where at fault, mummy knowing my fathers relatives will never love her but when ahead to marry him.

"kids mummy back home"
we rushed out to where she was standing. Which was by the porch searching for her key inside her bag.

"mummy i missed u its feels like crab not knowing anyone here"

"common worry not my Bea you gat to make lots of friends"

"boo how re u"
mummy asked kissing my forehead I pitied my mum most of the time the troubles she has been through cause of us is heart breaking.

"am Alhmdulilah how was work"
I asked.

"Work was cool guys get ready we need to go for shopping"

"yes mummy"
we chorus going to our variously rooms to get ready.

We where set to live went to *LA peeious * mummy bombed into an old friend who happens to be pa friends wife inviting us over to her place on weekends mum accepted hopping we did get engaged before I go.

We hanged around in the street's of abuja before heading back home.

It was majrib time we prayed me and saboor, mum informed us bout the Islamic school saboor will start attending

Saboor kind of hated Islam because she thinks all of them are cruel. She wasn't into it but mummy was a bit harsh to her bout it.

I so much love my mummy, she's my world never forcing us into doing things, she always does the right thing she made sure we hard good Islamic knowledge despite her religious difference she never cared for she knew our dad didn't left purposely.

She believed and made us love our father just that saboor wasn't buying the idea of it she was 7 wen it all happened she never knew our pa but she looks exactly like him.
The light brown cat eyes the ebony light skin tin fat long nose the tinny lips. The exert caborn copy of pa the only difference was the skin colour.
While I was the total different of them with my light fair skin grey eyes which momy said I got from my granny talking bout her I can't wait to see her am so exited bout my trip but also sad.



Wat we think bout ziyah and also aleemudden two poles apart each facing it own difficulties.
How destiny brought them together to become one



Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab

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