💫Oman💫 Edited

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Tossing from one side of the bed to another, mermah couldn't bring herself to close her eyes for a good night rest, she kept picturing the worse scene happening after there arrival at Oman which was the day after.

Getting off the bed, mermah walked down the stairs as silently as she could, surprising the television was playing with a drastically low volume.

With no doubt mermerh knew it was her mother, sabat couldn't also get to sleep, she knows at least she wasn't the only one suffering from the insomnia.

Maybe she should just turn on her on her hills to her room and quench her thirst with the bathroom tap water but the voice of her mother stopped her in her track.

"Your also awake" sabat asked her daughter seeing she was all readily on her feet back to her room.

"Seems like we both a suffering some insomnia" now turning to face her mother, mermah's face held the most ugliest smile one could picture.

Sabat brushed off the expression from her daughter paying her attention more on the television which was showing news.

Mermah headed to the cooking house got herself a bottle of water, uncapping the bottle she gulped the water after settling herself down on the chairs place in the dinning area.

She remembered the words of her teachers encouraging one to practice the Sunnah no matter how small they where for it help erase sins.

"I think you should get some sleep" mermah suggested turning off the television her mother was watching with her attention obviously gone from it.

"I still have to finish watching it" sabat tired protesting with a yawn escaping her lips.

Mermah watched with her hands folded under her chest, sabat knew the gesture means no more objection.

"I can't seem to sleep" she confessed smiling at her daughter, "I feel same ummah" mermah stated sitting next to her mother as she placed her heads on her laps.

"I know, that's why we have to do this ziyah it's for your own good, soon you will get married and start a family of your own" sabat stated having a distance look.

Indeed time is something so precious, it's always counted not missing any second rather, it's counts and matters yet we seemed so cut up in it totally forgetting about out main existence subhanAllah fear get her Everytime she rest her head thinking if all her deeds where good enough. Fear for account for ones deeds rather that of death.

The two sleep in that position not even knowing waking up the next day, sabat had a big smile wrapping her beautiful face even with her age she could pass for one in her early twenties even with the wrinkles covering her forehead and eyes she stilled look so beautiful.

They both dressed in the same clothes, sabat had a big burgundy veil wrapped around her from Head to toe while mermah has a burgundy veil wrapped in a small hijab around her face, which held no smile.

"You look so beautiful, I Know they won't recognize you and maybe mistake you for your twin" sabat goshed as the climbed the stairs into there private jet, for some unknown reason sabat couldn't say why she picked that particular jet for them to ride on maybe it was for her to remember everything.

"You Know your father got this for me as a gift for getting pregnant he couldn't contain his joy of me bringing a soul into this world who was going to take after his name, he didn't care if it was a female or male, while I on the other hand always have fear of what I was carrying, the day we went for the gender check-up, I brusted in tears hearing I was giving birth to a female, he consoles me saying we shouldn't even care if it was a male or female what mater's was the child to be in good health I shouldn't care or pay head to his mother's tunts" sabat smiled.

Mermah couldn't help but awwwwwn at her parents love story the two are perfect together, made for each other.

She looked in the expensive theme of the jet which was sunset yellow, smiling at the story of how he got the same color for his wife knowing she loves sunset so much.

"I almost yelled for getting this theme color but after he innocently told me he thought I love sunset I fell in love with him once again, my heart jumped with me singing the magical word, but your father instead was asking if I want it changed ."

Mermah wrapped her armed around her mother drawing smooth cycle on her back until she fell asleep.

Mermah watched the clouds, how white they seemed how she felt so high like a bird flying soar in the sky, she couldn't help wondering herself in her ummah shoes with her Ahmad.

Asalamu alaikum, how are you all doing.


Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu Zaynah

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