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Nigeria Abuja

Staring out of the window as the car drive past I signed still awaiting his arrival, just in a familiar car parked in. I didn't need a say to tell me who was inside the car.

Rafah first jumped out of the car before my so call fiancé making me wonder if this was a date for the two of us or with his daughter. I still couldn't say if he was marrying me for his daughter or for himself well part of the main reason I call for this date.

I love him but I am just not cheap enough to keep chasing after him, am the female her and not the other way round. Pushing the thought to the back of my mind just so it won't ruin my day I got on my foot waved my hands at them before taking my sit again.

"Good day" I greater as he sat at the sit opposite mine while rafah settles on my laps, he smiled typing away in his phone before he looked up asking after how I was by then I couldn't even mind him for I was busy with rafah who was telling me about her day.

The waitress came standing right on our table flashing smiles that I couldn't picture myself having one for my cheeks it will definitely hurt from the action.

"I want ice cream" rafah stated already jumping out of my laps "no I told you no ice creams" deen stated but I shook my head.

"Please take her with you and get some ice cream for her" I weaved at the waitress as she picked rafah on her hips and together they walked away.

"I thought we talked about this, don't you fucking care about her health condition" he half yelled running his hands over his face, not making any move I stare at him blankly before looking away huffing an air out of my mouth I was already frustrated for I was never one who love unnecessary drama.

"This" I featured between us before smiling "I don't think we will work out, I never picture a family with you only with your daughter after much thinking I don't think I'll be able to do this" I stated out my mind exhaling a deep breath.

"Look I got chocolate flavor" rafah giggled as she sat next to me on the long bench she was occupying.

The place fell in a comfortable silence as I knew he was thinking about what I said I guess he was processing all I said, I knew deep down he was happy for I couldn't marry a person who doesn't love me rather will only consider me as his daughters nanny.

"I pray you find that perfect person you are looking for" I said standing up on my feet making rafah to stop licking her cream focusing on the two of us, "where are you going to" she asked following behind me.

Turning I kneed to her length cupped her face in my hands whipping off her tears smiling, "am going out of your life's, I think you daddy love someone else not me"

Getting into my car, I matched the accelerator speeding out of the restaurant with my gaze bury as tear drop out of my tears uncontrollably, I'll never turn back again I vowed to myself biting my inner lips as I felt the sharp metallic taste of my blood but I couldn't care less.

Parking in the lots I successfully reached my room with no one on the way, slumming down by the door I cried my eyes out why was it always like this why does it always have to be me.

"Ahmed am going to seize all your gadgets and ground you from going out if you dear miss your home Islamic section every again" I threatened.

"But ummi..."

"No but Ahmed I just hope I made myself clear"

Making sure I sounded as strike as I could, Ahmed is a big pain in the ass, his extra Islamic section which was is every Friday after jummat sallah by a teacher from his school.

He went outing treating his friends could you even believe the guy has the guts to threaten his bouncers saying if they say a word they are going to be fired at
at moment,

Lossing my patience as I waited for them to return home only for him to come home now which is few minutes to five, "Ummi there's this uncle I ran into at the masjid he said something about inviting us to his daughter birthday which is tomorrow"

I had to crack my brains to remember who the uncle Ahmed was talking about but after so much fruitless attempts I signed motioning for him to proceed to his room for I seized all his gadgets for the day he should read his book or something else and not press his phone always.

Not a long chappy we see tomorrow

Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu Zaynab

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