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Mermah's picture 👆

Everything was happening so fast from Calling off the wedding on the wedding day to my father having a heart attack at that same day.

People pointing Accusing fingures at marmerh saying she was the cause of all what was happening, almas was behaving like some loyal boy.

Mermah hated everything and was shooting everything out, how could Alma's do such thing to her.

She was the only living who knew it was him she kissed on the night before there wedding and not anyone else, the pain was too much for her to endure.

Her father meant everything to her but, what has she ever done to almas to deserve all this, her father doesn't even look at her when ever she goes to the hospital to great him.

And her mother was a whole new story, outside people where still pionting fingers at her even Almas who was the sole cause of everything.

The knock at the door of her room was what brought back her attention, it either her lunch was brought up to her or the maids going to do there jobs.

Just like her guesses there maid Clara stood by the door,
"ma'am good afternoon"
she greeted knowing mermah was never going to answer her greetings made her go straight to the point.

"Hajiya said you should meet her at the parking lots you guys are going to the hospital"
Clara turned and left a standing mermah still by the door looking all shocked.

She doesn't feel right about going to the hospital because she knew something bad was going to happen.

Picking up her knee length hijab. From her closet she walked down the stairs into the parking lots where the ash bus was parked already warming up.

Mermah greeted her mother and was surprised by the answer she got
"how are you my dear".
Sabat said to her daughter, Happy her husband was finally coming back home.

Mermah didn't say a word all though, the ride to the hospital. This was the third time she was going there and it was either her father was sleeping or not talking to her because he was still mad.

All the family members where already in the hospital, when there mermah reached she just murmured some prayers under her breath walking thought the hospital lobby.

Just by the door of the room was her both paternal and maternal grandmother sited worried, Almas mum and dad also standing, anty talatu who was her father elder sister and nehneh her daughter with ikram on her hips.

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