💫 Family💫 Edited

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rasheedahoyinkansola do comment tag your friends to come check this book out I love you

Mermah couldn't help but awwwwwn at the beautiful city, the air seemed so calm and welcoming all the nervousness seemed to get into the thin warm breeze.

Lodge in a five star hotel with sabat, the two shared the same room, after their breakfast, which they had before coming but due to the time differences they enjoyed the kahwah which was something so common to the people if Oman, there love for natural tea which is maybe what so much make mermah love it.

"So let's get dress and freshen up for the task ahead, I contacted the queen who is your mother about wanting to see her" sabat explained to her daughter who was looking at her mother like she lost her senses, or hit head head on the jet or maybe the air got into her brains.

"Ummah I wondered what we are going to say to them, what if they punished you for taking away there child" mermah voiced out her thoughts since yesterday she's been having the worst of all those thoughts in her mind.

"Nothing of such is going to happened, I got myself aquitained with her, she was even asking why I suddenly want to see her but I told her why can't I see a friend I never met" sabat rambled not paying head to any of her daughter banter which was making her forget there purpose of coming.

Mermah dashed into the closet with her trolley to get herself freshened up and a new set of clothes.

Settling on an over washed pen trousers with a peecock knee length shirt she wrapped her blue slik veil into a muffler around her face.

"Wear this to cover up your face" sahat passed a dark over sized butterfly sun shade to her daughter who cover u her face leaving only her nose and lips.

They two left for the palace in a complete silence, mermah couldn't help but awwwed at the city which air seemed so calm and peaceful unlike Nigeria.

Remembering about Nigeria brought a smile to her face, she searched through her bag for her phone which she found thanking her Lord's for not forgetting it in the hotel or even the jet, she dialled her baby's number which was saved with medyy a lock and heart emoji attached to it.

Sabat couldn't help the smile on her own face seeing a smile on her daughter face was enough to bring one on hers, she could wait to meet the guy who sweep up her daughter feet, sensing her mother's attention on then mermah ducked her head low feeling her cheeks hit up.

"I got to go" mermah stated as the car came to ahalt in front of a fountain the palace was something she couldn't describe but just say out of the world.

Not that this was the first time she was been to a place this beautiful, but it's Abit too out of the way she pictured it, a maid with some guard's where standing bowing there heards.

Mermah couldn't help but admire how there English was so poor yet perfect with their thick Urdu accent which fits making her wish hers was that way not the thick British accent she has.

They lead the way into the beautiful long hall way which hand huge portrait of the king's then came the last one who she stared at for a little longer just to examine him her father, luckily for her they doesn't look one bit similar his skin was something she could die for so fresh and slik like a milk.

They where ushered into a huge grey coloured living room, the furniture in the room were royal tortilla sofas which was brown with a hint of ashh, a brown colored furry rug laid perfectly in the middle of the room, flowers sat at ever corner of the room.

Mermah couldn't help but awwwwwn at those colour combination which fits so perfect maybe she should make her living room this way, her cheeks heated up on there own accords at her thoughts of having her own house her room, she couldn't help but like the blush turn into a huge smile.

Hearing a soft yet authority voice echoes around the room for the maids to get her some tea for her guess, the queen who will pass for a twenty year old made herself comfortable on one of the sofas.

She was dressed in a beautiful pale pink suit gown, a beautiful turban wrapped around her head, a gold designer necklace laid beautiful between the skin on her chest, an enchanting warm smile beautifying her already beautiful face.

Mermah regretted not searching up the internet for the queen and king of Oman and also those of her siblings, she was never one to feel self conscious of herself but with this beautiful woman seated across the room looking like she was straight from some run way magazine made mermah wanted to run back to her hotel room and maybe change to something more fashionable.


Mermah couldn't help but glare hotly are the king who was shouting at the guards to come arrested sabat.

"No one is taking my mom away and I dare someone to do that" mermah found her voice yelling, since the king got himself into the room she seemed to have lost her voice but here she found it.

Luckily they fell in what seemed to be a grave yard silence, sensing that mermah moved forward to where sabat was standing which was closed to her mother's, mermah didn't spare the queen and king a glare she took her ummah hands with her not minding the stare she was getting from the other occupants of the room who seemed recognized as her siblings judging from there long nose, and doe like eyes which was the lightest shade of brown.

"I can take an oat of saying she's Rafah" a girl who looks sixteen said with her hands wrapped around her tinny lips dramatically.

"Mermah you have to stop all this can't you see they are all your family, I don't mind if I lay and die or the king sentence me to that. Dear am happy for reuniting you with your family, I fulfilled the wish of abkar his last wish" sahat wiggled her hands from mermah hold which took the girl by surprised.

Sabat couldn't help the tears that was rolling down her chin, mermah closed her eyes briefly before taking a calm breath.

"Ummah can't you see they don't welcome us here" mermah whispered yelled with her voice coming out lowly, she couldn't help feeling emotional at the mention of her father.

"No mermah, can't you see they are just mad at me for taking away there child" sabat pleaded placing her soft hand over mermah's tensed shoulders.

Asalamu alaikum all.
Happy new month to you all,
I just can't believe we are already getting in July my sister is getting married, OMG I Know you all must be wondering then why I will be updating but I have this chapter types sine April so here it is.

And you all are invited.

Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu Zaynah

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