💫Dazed💫 Edited

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November 2015

Drinking was what he drives pleasure from day and night just to distract him from having rounds with random girls.
"Man you gat to stop this, your getting too drunk" Leo said to a drunk aleemudeen who didn't even know where he was just how drunk he was.

Leo regretted ever taking Deen to the cube few years ago because he has been drinking so well for the pass mouth as though he wanted to kill himself, all he got to do was drink day in day night or be with girls who he kept hallucinating as Rafah.

Leo knew if Deen matter wasn't taken so seriously he will kill himself with all those harmful alcohol he keeps consuming to himself.

"Man can't you just get this straight with she's already dead and nothing is ever going to bring her back not even you drinking yourself to death or having as many girls as you want, is this how you want your life to end with no future Deen wake up this not a good thing and I regretted ever allowing you to follow me to the club that day" Leo shouted just in attempt to stop his friends but he wasn't even in his right state of mind.

Something did moved in his heart, that was the bitter through he. He loves seeing snd making love with her in his daydream why do they want him to stop.

All the people passing by on the streets seems to all pay no head no them not to even talk about helping them.

Leo brought out deens phone from his pocket and dialed his driver's number to come pick them up.

Leo took care of Deen after the reached him he gave him a warm towel bath and Remove his office clothes.

He sat by the bed saide hands placed on his chin watching over his friends who want to end his life because of a one girl who is even death and can't come back.

Not that he was blaming him no but at least can't he just move on this just a girl he loses what about if he loss all his family what was he going to do then.

He picked deens phone that was sited close to him on the bed and coppied Dara's number to inform her about the situation at hand.

The next day came too soon the light Ray of sun flashing thought the curtains was what woke Deen up from his the death sleep he feel in.

Looking at the side alarm clock beside on the bedside drawer and his phone at the far end of the bed made him Wonder why he slept so much and where was he.

He can't remember been with anyone who knows him at the famous club then how is it even possible to be on his bed, not giving much though to it he fell into his bathroom to have a quick shower and get ready for work.

Beeen a CEO of yourself is a very great job, he came to Chicago to open a new branch for his company where Leo will be managing.

Getting dressed in his set of office wears which comprises of his nevy blue suit with a pen trousers and a stainless white shirt.

After taking the ordered food from the waitress who was sluttering around him, he settled on the single dinning table and a chair to enjoy his breakfast.

"Sir, do you need anything" she called on him making him to choke to on his food.

He rushed the plate filled with fries from his front gulped down the whole content of the magical mug with a picture of Rafah on.

"Make sure you are out of here before a come back" Deen ordered carrying his car key from the console table, walking straight out of the house afraid to even look at her.

He can't point a figure on why girls are all like that, he hate staying with maids but then he got one from the housing estate.

Parking in front of the 12 story building which has D&R building firm bolding on the shining glass mirror all over.

The chill breeze was what first welcomed Deen wen he stepped foot into his new company, the place was sparking clean, all the workers paid no head to him as they all carried out there work quietly with no noise at all.

Deen walked further into the fortress inspecting every single detail of it, which really impressed him indeed Leo is a definition of a true friend.

"How are you doing" Leo asked his friends Deen who sank on the sofa at the far end of the room lost in thought.

The waitress dressed in black and white shirt and blouse with a black apron, heels placed the two mug of streaming coffee before walking out of the office.

Deen took the a sip of his coffees from the mug surving the bitterlike taste of his black no suggar coffee.

"Am good and ready Impressed with you thanks Bros" Deen said after placing the mug on the table.

Leo didn't say a word instead he looked at his friend for a while before breaking the silence.

"Aleemudeen you have to stop the bad habit of drinking it's too much and also not good for your health" Leo examine his friend face which has become rigid.

Leo knew so much that aleemudeen dread the topic so much, but then he isn't just going to fold his arms and watch him uselessing his life in waste.

"I told mummy about everything Deen I told her because I took you as a brother Deen I can't watch you getting harmed and I do no thing about it, I told her to get you married"

Leo didn't get to finish the word he was about to say, just to welcome the hard punches coming his way from Deen.

He didn't stop him because he knew what he did was wrong and invading of privacy but then that's the very much right thing.

Asalam alaikum all
How are you all doing hopefully fine, 😘😘 Happy New year in advance.

And I have two new books coming on 31 of December inshallah

See you all on the 31st may Allah spare our lives to withness it.

Aleeyu xynab
Ongoing edition
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