Entry 7 - Aiden

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Another night without much sleep.

After I went out with Zane to pull our 'little stunt' I woke up and I can't get back to bed.

The thing is I feel so stupid.


the only reason I can't get to bed is because I see her.

Well I have been seeing a lot of things too.

But the 'main things' are......

1) I have been thinking of Anna, the image Zane fed me is stuck in my head.........and it shouldn't be. Because the second I get out of this school I will be off. Off to explore the world.I won't be stinking around for no on, not even Logan, Dad, or anyone...................well right now I don't think so.

2) I think this school might be haunted. It seems like every time I turn away from the window......well I get that feeling. Like something in watching me.

I know it's not the people in black, Logan is on high alert. If he smells one he would burst up and then he'll beat the shit out of them. But right now he's sleeping, like a little baby. I might have to use that against him.....later. Must only smell Zane and I. I think his nose is only on people in black alert............

Again I think this school is haunted.............................might just have to check it out tomorrow night. Do a little hunting :) Though I don't think Logan will let me, he will probably find out on my plan before lunch........great.

I'm a bit scared too. I kind of don't want to run into Anna tomorrow. Because I might try to flirt with her. So far, just knowing that she isn't human would:

1) Make Logan pissed at me. Because I'm digging myself a hole to hell.

2) I wouldn't know how to flirt with her......I would probably say something stupid. Or I might mention me knowing she's not human........then she would think I'm a stalker or something like that.

Though I am already betting on the saying something stupid. I think I might say somethingl like "You're Anna, right? Well I'm Aiden. Dean's son."

Now tell me, how stupid that sounds. (Cause it's songs very stupid to me. Why would I say I'm the dean's son.....I hate being his son!) See stupid!

Way to many complications with my life!!! Grr.....

Well I better head off to bed, or well try to at least. Might have to go find Alex and get him to find me a good witch to cast a spell on me.............

You know....I wonder if witches are even real? I mean I'm real, so are vampires, werewolves, demons. I wonder if everyother bloody nightmare is fucking real?



Well I hope you like the snippet of Aiden's mind. Talks about a lot. AND gives a few peeks into the future.....so yah. Also check out the music, it's awesome. Talk to everyone later, have to go do something :)      ~~~~Emmie

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