Entry 5 - Chase

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It was a sunny Sunday, funny right? Actually now that I think about it, it was way less 'Hallmark card' in my head. Whatever.

So Kirsten and I were lying in the grass just lying there, enjoying the free Sunday we had. Tomorrow we would be at school, bored. In class, bored. Just plain bored, well aside from lunch & study hall. But aside from all that, it was going to be a boring monday.

I loved having Kristen in my arms, it has to be the best feeling in the world. I had my eyes closed as I let my fingers run through her soft hair. "I'm bored." She simply said. "Of what?" I asked simply as I opened my eyes to look at her for a few seconds. "Just bored." She replied. After a few minutes of talking, and leaning in to an almost kiss Kristen's phone rang.

"For fucks sake! God damn phone! Spoiling perfect moments!" she murmed as she answered it. I just laid back on the grass closing my eyes focusing on the darkness. "Chase I'm sorry I have to go." Kristen said as I opened my eyes. She gave me a quicky hug then she began to run off. "I'll explain later! Promise!" She yelled right before she disappeared into the forest.

I laid back down and closed my eyes, thinking back to when I took a few years of Shakespear back in Cali. At first it was because I needed to take an art class, but after a while I became really good at it. I had been in a few plays. In 2 years we did each and everyone of sh. I thought back to some of the lines. First I thought about my favorite love lines.

"By'r lady, your ladyship is nearer to heaven than when I saw you last." (Hamlet)

"I love you more than words can wield the matter, dearer then eye-sight, space and liberty." (King Lear)

"How like a dream is this I see and hear! Love, lend me patience to forbear awhile." (Two Gentlemen of Verona)

They made me smile, mostly because they made me think back to those plays. I did get some pretty good roles. I got Romeo in Romeo & Juliet, Hamlet in Hamlet, Julius Caesar in Julius Caesar, & so on. Meg thought I was awesome in the plays, my male friends thought it was so funny.

I smiled thinking about those plays. Good times, good times. I opened my eyes just as I saw Kristen running towards me. She yelled my name just as I stood up she ran right into my arms. She explained that she had to say goodbye to her dad and all. I forgave her, and with that we decided to go into town to rent some movies.

We picked out a scary box movie set and 10 things I hate about you. We headed back in Kristen's sweet car. I have to admit I'm a bit jealous.

So I'm quickly dropping off some stuff, & writing in there. Well I better go, Kristen's waiting.



New entry for Chase, I decided to quickly type it up for before I type up everthing else. Which includes Wattpad High :) So yah. Song on the side, good song True Faith by Anberlin (orginally by depeche mode). Good Song, hell it's the song I can't stop listening to right now (right behind Sugar Cube by Porcelain & the Tramps) (and Black Night by The Dodos). So that's it.


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