Entry 2 - Logan

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This morning I work up very early. 4 o'clock to be exact.

I had an thirty minutes till I needed to be home. I thought that was enough time. So I headed into Prince George. I was going to meet up with Ellie, my girlfriend. Last night I had texted her that I was leaving for a boarding school. She texted me back that before I leave we had to talk over coffee. At the time I was thinking that maybe we were going to email each other, or skype of something. We've been dating for two years, well almost two. Tomorrow was our anniversary.

We both decided to meet up at the only open coffee shop, Al's Joe. We both sat down with our coffee to talk. I liked Ellie. She was very pretty; she had hair the color of copper (almost) and big brown eyes. Sarah didn't like her, she said that Ellie was a selfish whore. I told Sarah that Ellie was no whore. She was faithful.

I wish I knew at the time how wrong I was.

During our talk Ellie informed me that she had been cheating on me for the past year. She said she was sorry, and that now would probably be the best time to break up because I was leaving. I didn't get mad or anything. I just nodded my head as she kept repeating Sorry. I paid for her coffe then I headed home. I didn't say anything to her, she just kept saying Sorry Sorry. I remained speech less.

Right when I got home I was dragged back into a car and with that we headed to the airport (YXS). Mom, Dad, and Uncle said their goodbyes. (Uncle added a bit of warnings and blah blah blah's). Sarah and I got onto the flight and went off to our next stop. Montreal. Then a few hour drive to the school. It couldn't have felt longer. Sarah found out about Ellie and I breaking up. She couldn't stop saying "Told you she was a selfish pig whore slut!" I was too sad to reply to any of Sarah's nagging.

We finally arrived, and perfect timing too. Sarah and I were the first ones there. Wonderful.

Right when we got there Sarah and I headed up to the office to meet with the dean. Right when we got in, I got a crystal clear image of his mind.

He was scared about his son. A bit unsure about if he should trust us or not. Terrified about the men in black. And the worst of them all, he was nervous about some of the students he was getting this year.

Werewolves, Vampires, Witches, Elementals, and so on.

I'm a bit amazed he hadn't let any demons in! I decided not to bring it up, I need him to trust us. We need to try to trust him. No matter how foolish he was. He then told us about our responsibility, which Sarah mentally groaned during the whole thing. After that he lead us to our dorms. Sarah's was right next to ours. She was going to have to share it with another person. She wasn't too happy about that.

Then I was going to share a room with Aiden. Our room was the closet-est to the entire staff. Which I didn't like either. How can I protect someone, when all the teachers are breathing down my neck?

After the dean left, I mentally talked to Sarah for a while. That's when something amazing happened. She had one of her Precognitios. I was lucky enough to be already read her mind so I witnessed it. Only because it was about me.

Sarah and I were at lunch with other people. Which I thought was weird. I had planned on Sarah and I staying to the outskirts of everything. But even weirder was it was all mixed up. There was another werewolf, some vampires, some elementals, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Anyway then this pretty girl came, who was an elemental. Her name was Ginger. Everyone at the table said Hi. And she blushed when i said hi. Then she began to talk in a different language. Suddenly the vision ended.

Sarah laughed......loudly. I read her mind and found out why. The girl had said I looked cute in Italian. (Sarah knows a very very small bit of Italian, very very very small bit). I was very shocked. You see I'm not the type of guy that gets the girl. I was very lucky to get Ellie. Yet again she cheated on me. Probably with a jock or something.

I told Sarah to shut it. Then I began to make my bed. I'll write more later, I need to finish making this bed.



Well here is another entry by Logan. A lot has been learned! On the side is a group of pictures. Starting at the bottom center (to the right) it goes: Logan, Ginger, Sarah, Sarah's wolf form, Wattpad High's title, Aiden's wolf form, Aiden, Ellie, (and in the center) Logan's wolf form. Well I hope you like it. I have to go. Bye for now!                              ~~~Emmie

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