Entry 1 - Zane

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----Wattpad High thing. -----


Ok , so how the Hell does this shit work. Do I like talk about my feelings?

I feel like a girl }:(  

Why the Hell would Grandma give me this.......this piece of SHIT!

Only I get one, no journal diary thingy for Alex! Noooo can't make Alex look like a little bitch. But grandma said if I don't write in this damn thing then well she would take stuff from my room. I really don't want that, mostly when my secret porn collection is in there!

She would KILL me if she found that! Oh shit.

Well I guess maybe I should like say hi? Ok so sup piece of shit papers. I'm Zane. Oh and I flippin' forgot to tell u that Im a Werewolf. Yes, the thing. That thing that was in the twilight saga, but again I'm not a little BITCH.....like they are!       

So suck that Stephanie............something.

You know my handwriting is shit.......I mean I have already doodled over the front cover and like I don't think a genius or an idiot could read my shitty writing. Whatever!

You know I could really go for a burger right now........hahaha.

Alex still owes me for covering him when he went out to visit his girlfriend last night. Who dumped him...hahahahahahahahahaha!

'Oh Alex...'


So I ate my burger, that Alex got me of course!

And like grandma is all creepy today, she keeps smiling like Im in a god damn parade (ps....my grandma LOVES parades).

Then my sis was being weird too, like weirder than normal. Jamie was all like 'Zane  blah blah blah take me and my friends shopping blah blah shoes are cool. I need like shoes. Blah Blah Blah fuck you Zane!'

Then she stole my car and took her friends shopping. You see, she lost her car. I didn't even know it was possible!! Hahaha! She miss placed it because she was drinking one night!! Hahaha!!

The cops still haven't found it!! I think some Hobo stole it, that would be awesome!

So later 2night I'm supposed to go play some Bball w/ my friend Ben. We need to get ready for the team now, cause no doubt Im going to be captain AGAIN! Ha!

Well adios journal thingy.



Okay so I was drawn in! A lot of the other W.H writers were writing a journal. And I thought it would be funny to listen to Zane ramble on and on about nothing. Hope you like *u*. ~~Emmie

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