Entry 7 - Logan

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A few days have passed and not a lot has happened. Well there was one day that was pretty eventful.

It was the day that everyone had their family visiting. Well almost. Zane & Alex's family didn't show and neither did ours. But Sarah and I are pretty relieved that Uncle didn't come. That would have been hell.

Well Sarah and I were walking around as Aiden was doomed to do homework, he's a pretty slow worker. So we were walking around, having a chat mostly small talk, when we passed my the cafeteria. And I was stopped dead in my tracks.

There was this one smell that hit me like a ton of bricks. I fell backwards letting my back hit the wall. Sarah looked at me then looked about, wondering if I had gotten hit. "That smell? What's that smell?" I whispered as I crouched down trying to get a hold of myself. It was the most amazing smell I had ever sniffed. It reminded me of my family trip to Washington. We stood in the forest near the ocean. It had this best smell, the ocean mixed with the pine. That is what I was smelling but with this it was intoxication.

Sarah was clearing confused, she couldn't smell anything except for the usual. I got to my feet and tried to keep walking, it was hard though. We kept going straight and passed by an intersecting hallway. I glanced down it and couldn't believe my eyes. There was the girl from Sarah's vision, and she was the one with that aroma. She was talking to Chase. We kept walking though without stopping. Later I explained it all to Sarah, we spent the night looking for her but she was gone. Maybe I'm just seeing things? Who knows.

Today is Saturday and today Sarah and I are to go train. Aiden is going to be with his dad all day.

Even for Werewolves Sarah and I aren't normal. Remember all the talk about my Uncle, well now I think it's time to prove how he treated us. Every Saturday we would have a morning routine that is now burned into our brains. We get up grab our training bag and head out.

Within our training bag lies about 20 sharp butcher knifes, a whip (that can light on fire), a flame torch, broken glass, and lastly a little contraption made by our uncle which if thrown it will explode into well many things (gas, ice, fire, bright light, small pieces of silver, liquid silver, and so on).

So we took our bag, grabbed some spare clothes, changed into some loose thin clothes, and headed our a bit out. Right when we arrived we got started. We were practicing in an open field. I was at one end while Sarah was at the other. I slipped off my sweatshirt and sweatpants. All that was left was my shorts and thing t-shirt. Sarah was standing with the knifes in her hand waiting.

"Bring it Sarah!" I yelled as I bent down a bit smiling widely at her. I was ready today. Sarah smiled back at me. "Okay Bro." She replied as she threw one of the knifes up and in an instant as she caught it on the handle she flung it at me. Sarah has been trained in the throwing of knifes.

 I easily dodged it but I didn't see the other knifes she has behind her back that she also threw in the air. As I dodged that one I jumped forward, missing another one. Then I was immediately put into a somersault. Just as I dodged those three knifes she got out the broken glass and tossed it at me. I knew I would be able to fully dodged it so I did the only thing I knew how. I changed quickly and bolted forward. I didn't get hit. Without warning Sarah had gotten out the flame torch, she put it off in my direction. I quickly bolted into the forest, giving myself some cover. I watched as Sarah put out the grass that had gotten hit.

It reminded me of my Uncle's training a bit. You see he believed that you could also actually gain powers. He had so many theories and ideas in his head about the supernatural creatures. You would think he would become a doctor for them. Only one problem. He despises everything not Wolf. Which makes everything very fun.

I came back to reality as Sarah pulled out the whip and light it up. "Come on Logan, don't be a chicken! *Buck-Buck*" Sarah laughed as she waited there for me. This has probably been one of the lightest practices of my life. I mentally sighed as I began to emerge from the forest back to training.

After out 3 hour training we headed back. Tonight I have already mentally decided that i need to take a run, by myself. Just so I can relax. Sarah can watch Aiden for a few hours.



So here is a new entry for Logan. Gives some info. Helps bring about some future events :)

Well have an amazing day.    E.m.m.i.e

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