Entry 4 - Logan

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Today was the first day of our classes, there were a few things I wish to change. Yet, it was safe. And that's all that mattered at the moment.

First hour was perfectly fine, nice and smooth. Sarah, Aiden, and I played our parts. We stayed to the outside, no one asked questions. No one got hurt. Aiden seemed at the moment content, yet he still wished he was far away from it all. And not special.

During Art, Mentally Sarah and I went to Hell and back. She had a vision, but this one was a memory. A perfect memory. It was of something that had taken place a year or two ago. We both had tried to forget about it. But how could we? It made up who we were.

Well back then, Sarah had a Boyfriend named Mark. It wasn't a good relationship.

Because of him Sarah did bad things, he made her steal for him! For Christ's sake! She robbed a pregnant woman in the middle of the night. She did that for him. But that's just the beginning.

She would stay out very late with him and come home bruised and battered. She blocked everything from her mind. I couldn't get a read at all. And it bothered me. For weeks I would read her mind hours on end, waiting for her to slip. Because she won't talk to me. She won't utter a word to me. So I would just have to wait mentally. Finally she slipped one night. She was getting ready for bed, and she stared at a bruised on her side. Then she started to cry and I saw it all.

Mark got angry at her; Mark had a very very short temper. Mark would yell at her, and tell her how worthless she was. Mark would hit her. She would fall to the floor and cry. He would hit her again. She would plead for him to stop. He would hit her one more time then stop. Mark would tell her that he was sorry and that he loved her. Mark would lie to her face. She would believe him. Each and every day. Same little sick and twisted game.

Sarah knew that I saw it. She cried and cried. While I put on my coat and went to go take action. I'm not like that, but every good person slips one time or another. I left Sarah at home crying as I went out to find Mark.

I found him. I found Mark. I yelled at him. I used my strength to its full potential. I punched him. I kicked him. I did all that I had to. Every bruise Sarah had, he now had too. Every blow she got he got too. An eye for an eye may make the world go blind, but at least justice had been served.

I left him, not dead. I left him broken and beaten. He wasn't at school the next day, he had left. His parents packed up and left to the United States without any charges against me. An eye for an eye.

As her vision/memory faded I could feel the sadness in Sarah's mind. She still had the scares. Even if you can't see them, she still has them. Aiden asked me what was wrong. I realized that my hands were clenched at my side. I told him nothing and went on with class. Listening to Sarah mentally cry.

After class I gave her a hug. She told me she was all right then we headed to Languages, then Math.

We had Lunch and we did what we had too, even if Aiden didn't like it. We sat close to the window away from everyone. Sarah read a book, Aiden played with his food as he sulked, and I entertained myself with everyone's mind.

So many thoughts.

Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Glamour. It flowed through their minds like water does a river. The voices crowded my head. As I tried to pick out certain ones to listen too. It wasn't hard which ones. I picked the ones that involved the supernatural.

I knew now each and every supernatural student in this school.

I knew now each and every person Aiden must stay away from for his own safety.

I knew.



So some more Intel of Logan & Sarah. A better look into Logan's mind too. Well I hope you like it. I have nothing else really to say other than that. So have a wonderful day or night!


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