Entry 6 - Zane

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I swear to god, Alex is going 2 kill me! Hes going to do it! I know it!


Well I

Told Mia I was a wolf

Talked to a Vampire Chick, who's name is Anna

Told Anna I was a wolf

Told Anna Alex was a wolf

Almost (it didn't happen though) had a make-out session during lunch that almost made Alex puke.

Got help from Alex to save Anna, long story

Accepted an invite to hang out with Anna tomorrow

Got kissed by Mia

Got kissed by Anna

Showed Mia my wolf form


Yah, his name is Logan. I don't know about him yet, but he told me that Alex and I should meet him tomorrow sometime. He'll be listening for my mind. His power is that he can read minds & talk to other wolves. Even if he's not related. And he hangs out with Aiden, the Dean's only son.

Basketball was awesome 2 2day. Enough people tried out that Coach didn't need to drop anyone. I almost talked Alex into trying out. So close!

So going 2 go to bed soon. 2morrow is going 2 be long. I got 1 wake up at 4 in the morning and go meet Logan in the woods..........Alex seems so curious....I'm not sure about Logan.

But that's just me!

Goodnight my piece of shit journal.



Hope you like Zane's little thoughts. More about everything will be out later. Also the slide show to the right has the pics of all three people & what they look like as wolves. Also check out @Watty_High to get Zane's full story & look up Wattpad High on Facebook too! Well i got to go watch Being Human. :)               ~~~~~Emilie

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