Entry 5 - Logan

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After all our classes, and a bit of an argument between Aiden and I we headed back to our dorm. Sarah followed.  We were in the dorm, and I was still a bit mad. You see, Aiden and I were arguing about the concept of lying low. I thought lying low included staying out of every and any school event/sport/club. Aiden thought the opposite. He signed us up for Basketball. Joy.  

Sarah stayed neutral in this argument. I finally gave up, because I knew where ever the hell he would go. I would have to follow. I like Basketball, I just don't like going against my mission. And playing for the basketball teamwas certainly going against the mission. Aiden and Sarah both agreed that I should relax. Yah, I should relax as a bunch of demons are after Aiden. You know that's the best time to relax.

So again I gave up. Aiden rolled his eyes; Sarah jumped onto my bed and started to do her homework. Aiden had to go, his dad wanted to meet him and it was just Sarah and I. Sarah said that I should lay off Aiden a bit. I just rolled my eyes and went into the bathroom to quickly take a shower. After my shower & getting back into my clothes I walked out. I was going to tell Aiden that we aren't going to play Basketball for the team. Sarah stopped me.

Before I could leave the room, she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the bathroom. She pushed me in and threw me my old gym shorts & some random t-shirt I had. She glared at me and yelled. 'You are going to Basketball practice.' And I'm not going to argue against Sarah, it's always a pointless argument.

When Aiden came back it was time to go, so we all left. Sarah was walking there with us, to make sure I go. We got there first. Right when we got there Aiden got a basketball and began to practice. I just stood there for a second. Sarah lightly punched my arm. 'Relax and act your age Logan.' Sarah said as she got behind me and began to push me forward. I jumped forward and turned around  looking down at Sarah. 'Go have fun.' Then she was gone.

 So Aiden and I began to play knock out, which was pointless. No one ever missed. After a few more minutes of Knock out some other people started to enter the gym. Two dudes walked into the gym. One was blonde/brown hair and he was a bit shorter then (just a bit), and the other was tall with brown hair. And he was a wolf. I'm not sure what to think about him. His mind is.......odd.

I was about to tell Aiden to keep away from them, but before I could he called them over. Thank you Aiden. Aiden began to talk to the shorter one, who wasn't the wolf. The wolf just stood there, looking at me. I read his mind and realized he was having a conversation with his....brother. I decided to wait. After his conversation I introduced myself. And he introduced himself out loud, his name is Zane. First outloud, then I began to talk in his mind. I'm not going to write it all down, it was pretty long.

After out conversation, I watched Aiden and Chase (the short one) talked. Chase made a pretty good shot. Then we began to play ball. It began as Zane and I playing against each other, then Aiden joined my team and Chase on Zane's. Finally when some more people came it was a better game. It was Zane, Chase, Aiden, another person, and I against 5 others. While a bunch of other people watched. We were very good, if I must say so myself.

After practice we headed back to our dorm. Aiden was very happy about meeting people. Well it looks like my mission isn't going as according to plan. Wonderful.



So here is another new entry for Logan. Not a lot to say. I am going to work on Chase's entry today & on the side is the trailer for Borderline Boys. Have a good day :)            ~~Emmie

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