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Change. A six letter word, that is both a noun and a verb. A word we use often, but don't think what it really means.

1) Change (verb)

     a : to make different in some particular

     b : to make radically different

2) Change (noun)

     a: the act, process, or result of changing

Once, a young man has asked me what Change was. At the time, when I knew much less than I do now, I gave him a simple definition. Nothing more, nothing less.

Though now it seems as if I was wrong. Change is more than making something different.

Over the years I have watched Change in action. I have witnessed it's powers, it's miracles you could say. Change is more than a word on a paper, or something that is spoken of the tongue. Change is something that maybe the human race might never fully understand.

I have asked many people to define Change to me. Their answers vary from a simple definition to a shrug and lastly to a whole story of a fight for something. It never cease to surprise me what people can say about one, six letter word that is both a noun and verb.

Sometimes I wish I could go back and redo what I said to that young man. Now I know what I would say.

Change, more than a noun & more than a verb.

Change, the ability to right the wrongs. To heal the weak. To fix the broken. To mend the heart.Change is the point in everyperson's life, where they choose where they stand in the world. The chance to fight for what you believe and what you think is right.

Change is more than a word & more than able to comprehend. Change is something that we do not fully understand. 


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