Entry 4 - Chase

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It was Saturday Night, and Kristen and I met up.

We met up at the front gates, then she lead me to this lake. On the way though, as we walked through the woods a huge white wolf ran in front of us. It stopped for a second just staring at us. I held Kristen close, hoping that maybe this wolf was friendly. And I guess I was right. With that it bolted off.

Well when we finally got there Kristen dragged me up to the ledge. Kristen, who was wearing her bathing suit underneath her clothes, stripped and then dove in. When she bobbed up to the surface she yelled for me to jump in. I dropped my jeans and I took off my shirt and I stood there for a second looking down at the water and Kristen.

Oh jeez that's a big drop.

“5, 4, 3, 2, 1!” I yelled right before i jumped in myself. Right when I got to the surface, she asked what I thought about it. I said that it was amazing. After a bit more of swimming we both got out and Kristen used her powers to dry us both off.

We both laid on the grass and made up fake constellations. It was awesome.I pointed to the biggest and brightest star in the sky then I told Kristen it was her star. I told her how it reminded me of her and it did. It was bright & beautiful. She then made a flower and gave it to me. She said it wasn't a star but it was still mine. Well I want is Kristen to mine, forever & ever. Like in those fairy tale books I used to read to Shannon.

“I love you.” I said to her. And I do. I can't wait till Megan, and everyone hears about this.“I love you too.” she replied. After a while we headed back to our dorms. We said goodnight and all that.  And barely 10 minutes after I walked into my dorm my phone rang.I answered it and it was Troy, Ralph-y, and Megan. Here's how our conversation went.

"Chase!" Troy yelled as some giggles errupted through my phone. "Hey Troy my man!" I said back as I walked out of the dorm into the hallway. "Hey Chase." Two other voices said. "Hey Ralph-y & Megan." I replied as I leaned against the wall. "So how's Canada Man? I heard your mom is dating your Math teacher!" Troy laughed as I smiled. I miss laughing with them :(
"Yah she did....well is. But it's awesome here." I replied. Megan giggled. "So where have you been? I haven't seen you on Skype." Megan began but Ralph-y interrupted. "He's been doing Shots & Girls Meg!" Megan then began to defend me. "Chase wouldn't do that!" I smiled. "No I've been out with my girlfriend." I answered. "Duuuuddddeee!" Troy began as I could hear Megan clap her hands. "So is she like Hot? Could you like send some pics?" Ralph-y began, but a slapping sound stopped him. "Ralph You're such a Perv!" Megan yelled. "Only for you, babe." Ralph-y replied as he laughed. Well we all laughed. Then we started to talk about teachers, sports, all the couples at my old school. I really like my new friends, but I miss my groupies in Cali.

Megan said she'll call later. Thankfully my Best Friend in Cali is super happy that i got a girlfriend. She said she wished she could come meet her.

Now I'm heading to bed. Night Night!



Okay so here is another entry for Chase. Pictures off ALL his friends are on the side w/ some other stuff. Well I have to go. I am going to try to upload a new entry for Logan. Bye :)   Emmie

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