Entry 6 - Aiden

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So after we got back Zane asked if I wanted to go for an even later night-time run.

I said sure.

So we went.

He was a little pissed still, cause he wants to know his power.

Zane is very unsure of himself........well expect in getting girls, and sports. But everything else is foggy for him.

Also Logan, even though he was sleeping, kept us connected. We only knew that is cause we saw parts of his dreams.........

let's say it involved Megan Fox, party, and Logan flying. I might just have to bring up this dream later.......

Anyway! Zane and I talked about a lot.

1) both of our parents. Zane is trying to remember how his died. I reminisced on my mother and those memories of how she died.

2)  Powers. I showed Zane some of the animals I liked. Which included a bear, a wolf, a fly, a puppy dog, a kitty cat, and a eagle.\

3) Basketball. I told him about all the other sports that will also be coming.

4) Girls. He mentally showed me a picture of Anna, who I must say is smoking! and Mia, the girl he really likes.

5) and the future. Zane had so many different plans. So many different hopes. I have a few which include College, and then traveling for a while. I told Zane, that I've always wanted to go to New Orleans. He said that, that sounded cool.

Then at around midnight we both headed back. Not before starting a bit of trouble. We both didn't really like Professor Johnson.........so we both snuck into his room (being ninja like) and then put grey hair dye in his shampoo.

I can't wait to see him tomorrow!

Time to sleep~~~ Bye!



Hope you like the entry! Also check out the pics, they are a sneak peek!! Well I have to go! Bye Bye for now!    ~~Emmie

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