Entry 11 - Logan

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Zane's gone. He's really gone! Well here's how it all started:

I heard a scream in the middle of the night. I jumped up and so did Sarah.Though none of her roommates did. We concluded it was in our mind.

So we hurried towards Alex's room.

I tried to get his mind, but I couldn't. I just couldn't! Right when we came to his dorm there was Alex. He was sitting outside his door with a piece of paper in his hand. Just crying silently. I just stood there trying to take it all in as Sarah rushed to his side.

She held up the paper and read it. Her eyes turned to me. "Zane's gone."

Zane was really gone. He had left hours ago and was miles away, maybe even in the U.S.A. I just couldn't grasp it, at all. It was so much. It didn't seem real, it didn't seem like him. He's really gone.

Though this was the begging of this day.

So today during lunch, we sat by all of them........and I mean all of them. The only reason was because Aiden dragged us over there. So we went over there. Sarah sat to my left talking very softly to Alex. I was just organizing and reorganizing details & thoughts in my head.

That's when she came in.

Some commotion began to stir around us. Chase & his girlfriend.....another dangerous person......were hugging and all that. Though I caught onto another person's sceant & I could hear her thoughts. I glanced up slightly at her.

Her wavy brown hair framed her gentle face. Her brown eyes searched around the room, they were in wonder at this place. A place knew, I could hear her shout it in her mind. A new place, new people, everything.

I couldn't help but let my wander, I mean boys will be boys. Suddenly I realized how stupid I was being so I stopped looking at her and got myself back into check. I listened closely as Chase's girlfriend.........Kirsten I think......introduced us all to her. Well her, she.....her name is Ginger. With that everyone blurrted out there Hi's I just muttered mine not wanting to start anything. Zane already has done that.......

Suddenly she began to talk in a different language with some other people so I just zoned out and picked at my pasta. I wan't really hungry & also none of the food seemed edible. Sarah was conforting Alex, hugging him and all.

I was just about to stand up and leave, when suddenly Ginger sat down in the empty seat next to me. Well I guess I could stay a while longer.........

So that was my day. Exciting right? I have to say I'm getting my hopes up a bit too much about this Ginger....I mean Ginger. Other than the fact I see her at Lunch & also study hall I haven't really talked to her. I just can't. My throat becomes dry & scratchy & my stomach becomes as hot as lava. Not to mention my hands become clammy & my heart rate speeds up........I hope I'm not sick.

Well I have to go, Sarah wants me to go to the library with her and Alex to talk and all.

Goodbye for now.



Logan, Logan, Logan. I have to say honestly Logan is my 2nd favorite character after Zane but before Kris! (Kris will be coming soon to Borderline Boys & Wattpad High!) Yah so not much else to say. I might be posting another entry this weekend, though I'm not sure. So have a great day/night!


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