Tomorrow Morning

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 Intro - The Run

This is not how I imagined it to happen. No, I imagined a beautiful spring day with little girls in pink and white rose petals everywhere.

I imagined a prince charming to arrive and sweep me away into the happily ever after called Marriage.

Well I guess I missed the memo, cause that didn't happen.

I remember walking down the isle, it was as if it was a dream. Everyone was looking back at me and it was perfect. Though I stared at Howard, he looked nervous. That should have been my first sign.

I glanced at my bridesmaids, which included my best friends Allison & Maggie, and the flower girls, who were my brother's daughters.

Then I glanced at my father who was right at my side. He noticed that my attention was drawn to him, he turned and smiled at me. Then he briefly whispered "You look beautiful Liz.' That pushed out all my doubt and worries away for the rest of the walk.

Now that I look back on it, I should of kept worrying. Though I didn't.

We finally arrived up to the alter. Howard gave me a leery smile, my second sign. With that smile my dad handed me over to him. Only thought in my mind was that soon I would become Elizabeth Maria Lomas.

As the priest began I just stared at Howard, and he stared right back. I tried to hush all those doubts that began to rise, which I did perfectly.

In the middle of the priest talking, Howard leaned towards me. He was biting his lip as rushed out the words 'Sorry'. At that moment I was confused. What had my soon to be husband be sorry about? What had he done? Though I wasn't thinking about what he was about to do.

Without another second to myself to think about that word, Howard turned and bolted to the door. No one had been prepared for this. Before anyone could jump up and even tackle him to the ground he was out the door. I had to be the first to react, to this startling event.

I picked up thelarge skirt to my beautiful designer dress and rushed forward. People from the crowd began to realize it too, they began to jump up and run to the door. I could hear whispers and murmurers and yells as I ran.

I wasn't the first to get outside, I was around 5th. As I entered into the outside busy city air, I had just enough time to see Howard jump into a taxi. I watched as the taxi flew into the city image, melting into the background. He was gone, he really was.

I sank to the ground as tears ruined my perfect makeup. Everyone just stood there looking down at me, at this crying bride who had been left at the alter. I could feel their pities, and it made me feel worst. To make my destruction even more miserable it began to poor without warning, I was soaked as I sat there on ground crying my eyes out about Howard.

The thing that hurt the most was my thoughts. Had it been my fault? What had I done? What could of done to keep us together?

Those thoughts made me feel worst. Now looking back I would have done so many things different. but that's the past and I can't do anything about it now.

But this is what makes a second chance at Life something so amazing.


So this is the new story, Tomorrow Morning. I hope you like it. 

Have a fantastic day :)    ~~Emmie

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