Entry 2 - Chase

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So we had our date. It was amazing. Kristen was amazing!

Perfect just perfect. We all went to Zane's dorm and watched a movie. Best.......90 (?) minutes so far.something. Kristen was cuddled up next me, and man did that rock!

After the movie I walked her back to her dorm and I gave her a good night kiss.

The next morning I woke up and decided to take a quick shower. Jabari was doing something. I was just getting ready for the day! Suddenly the bathroom door opened. I yelled out sayin'

“Jabari, you know I’m in here!” “Don’t worry I’ll only be a sec!”

Then a girl voice chirped up “Get out!”

Either Jabari's voice just raised a few octaves

Kristen is in my dorm, and I am the last one to know about it.

Soooo......I went with the more practical choice. “Is that Kristen?” Jabari replied “Look for yourself!”

Sure enough there she was. She threw me my towel and turned around I wrapped myself then I 'got her' from behind. She turned around and we just kissed, which so made my day. :)

We said our hi's and hello's. Then Kristen began to talk, well more babble.

“You’re still wet.............I mean, like how you’ve just stepped out of the shower. Not the other kind. Just ignore that whole sentence, please.” I think it's really cute. “I know what you meant don’t worry.” I replied simply. “Good, I’m gonna go now. ‘Cause your towel is about to fall.” So....maybe that was a weeeee bit awkward.

With that she was gone. Well not before throwing the clothes I had laid out on my bed.

After getting dressed I went onto my bed to find my laptop open on YouTube. There was a little note.'

‘Listen to the lyrics, this is how you make me feel – Kristen xxx’

Then I began to listen to the song. My day has been officially made.



Another post by Chase finally :) Well I need to get more sleep, still a bit sick-y :p Got to go. Bye Guys :)                       ~~~Emmie *u*

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