Proposing on Valentine's Day - Cody Christian

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Y/N put down the magazine as her phone rang. She saw Matt's name on the screen. Her eyebrows furrowed together, immediately wondering why her best friend's boyfriend was calling her. She answered the phone and immediately asked, "Is Shavonda okay?"

Her worried voice immediately caught Cody's attention. He put the TV on mute and looked at his girlfriend sitting next to him on the couch.

"Oh, okay," Y/N said over the phone. Any worry she had before immediately vanished. "Of course. You just let me know what time and the day, and I got you covered. Oh, and Matt? Congratulations! I'm very happy and excited for the both of you."

"What was that all about?" Cody asked as she hung up the phone.

"Well, Matt wants me to take Shavonda to go get our nails done because he's going to propose to her-"

"Really? That's amazing!" He smiled.

"On Valentine's Day! Don't get me wrong, I like Matt. I've never seen my best friend this happy before, but he's proposing on Valentine's Day... how original."

Cody's heart dropped to his stomach. She had no clue that he was also planning on proposing to her on the exact same holiday.

When Cody first met Y/N, he knew her best friend was part of the package deal. They're not only childhood friends, but their mom's were best friends as well. Not to mention, they were also born on the same day. Those two were literally inseparable. They did everything together.

One night during guy's night, Cody and Matt revealed they were going to propose to their girlfriends. The two thought it would be special if the girls also had the same engagement anniversary as they seemed to love doing everything together. However, they both agreed to be strongly vocal about not having a double wedding if the girls mention a joint wedding party.

Y/N noticed how quiet Cody was. She could see how nervous he was as his eyes began to wander back and forth, a sign he was overthinking whatever was on his mind. Then, it clicked why he looked like he had just seen a ghost. His plan backfired.

"Oh, no," she giggled to herself. She scooted closer to Cody and grabbed his hand. "Baby, don't tell me you were going to-"

Cody let out a deep sigh and ran his free hand over his face. He loves Y/N wholeheartedly and unconditionally, but he didn't always like that she could read him like a book so easily,

"Yes," he admitted, not really upset that he had to ruin the surprise. Although it wouldn't necessarily be a surprise as Cody and Y/N have always talked about getting married someday. They both knew it was in their future, it was just a matter of time before Cody got down on his knee and popped the question.

"Matt told me he was planning on proposing and I had told him I had just bought your engagement ring. We thought since you two are literally two peas in a pod, we would both propose on the same night so you two could also have that milestone together."

"Aww, baby," Y/N's heart fluttered against her chest at his thoughtful idea. "Your heart is in the right place, baby. But, I actually don't want us to have the same proposal anniversary. Hell, I don't even want us to have the same wedding date anniversary."

Cody looked at her completely surprised. He wasn't expecting this answer.

She cupped his cheeks and pulled him in, looking at him deep in his beautiful breathtaking eyes. "Our," she emphasized, "proposal anniversary and our wedding will be about us. I love my bestie, but I kind of love you more." Cody chuckled and whispered a 'liar' under his breath, earning a giggle from Y/N. She continued, "But, I want those two milestones that should be about us, be about us and only us."

Cody leaned in and kissed her once, twice, before his lips moved against hers in a deep passionate kiss. His arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her to straddle his hips. "I love you, so much," he mumbled against her lips in between kisses.

"I love you," she said. She pulled back. Her thumb traced his bottom lip. Her eyes flickered back to his. "So, please don't propose on the same day as her proposal night."

"I promise," he said with honesty.

"And... can I see the ring?" She gave him a big smile and batted her eyes, hoping he'll cave into her request.

Cody chuckled and shook his head. "You'll have to wait until I propose."

"Aww, come on! That could be years from now."

Cody rolled his eyes. "Don't be so dramatic."

"I'll find it. You know I find everything in this place when I'm in my cleaning zone."

Cody leaned in to kiss her once before he gently pushed her off his lap and back on the couch. He walked away without looking back. "Good luck finding it," he teased knowing he knew damn better than to hide it inside their house.

Cody Christian, Theo Raeken, & Asher Adams ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now