Pretty Girl (Part 2) - Cody

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Author's Note: For those of you who read my Chris Evans Imagine, there's a similar scene from this imagine that was also in Happy Father's Day, but just know I wrote this one first, ha.


A Year Later

Cody pulled his phone from the inside pocket of his jacket. The time showed 1:23am. He sighed as he saw a new message from Y/N who's happened to be under the contact name of "Pretty Girl". He was supposed to finish work 2 hours ago. If work hadn't been running overtime, he would be on the phone right now probably wishing her good night after talking to her for about 2 hours. That's how their nights ended recently since Cody got a new role and was filming in Atlanta.

After being together for a year, that's how their relationship worked. Whether he was filming something or she was out on the road touring. No matter where they were in the country, they always called each other at the end of the night. Regardless how late it was. They always made sure they were the last person they talked to before going to bed.

Cody slid his thumb across the screen and opened the message from his girlfriend. A smile formed his lips as he read the message.

Pretty Girl: Miss you, Pretty Boy. Can't wait to tell you about my day. Call me when you're done. I don't care if it's 5am. Love you! 😘

As the director called the actors to get back on their marks, Cody quickly responded back saying he would call her the second he got off set, which he didn't know how much longer it would be. Cody pushed the sent button as the director called out they were ready to roll before he yelled action.



Cody sighed as he walked out of his trailer and towards his truck. He quickly started the truck and called Y/N on his phone before the phone started ringing through his speakers. Cody was beginning to think she fell asleep on him after a couple of rings. He didn't blame her if she did. He wasn't suppose to get out this late.

Before the call could go to voicemail, Y/N picked up. Her sleepy, soft voice echoed through his speakers. "Hey, Pretty Boy."

Cody smiled at his nickname. He knew it started off as a tease, but he's come to grown fond of it. Eventually, he changed her contact name to 'Pretty Girl' around their third date. It was about a month of being official when she saw her name on his phone. At first she laughed and asked if this was payback from all the times she's called him Pretty Boy. She smiled as he explained to her that she was by far the prettiest girl he had ever seen, met, let alone dated.

"Hey, Pretty Girl," he smiled as he left the parking lot and on to the road. "I didn't mean to wake you up. I just wanted to call you, but you can go back to sleep-"

"No," she immediately protested. "I'm glad you called. I wanna talk to you."

Cody could practically see a lazy, sleepy smile on her face. "Are you sure?"

She hummed a yes. "What happened tonight? Why are you getting out this late?"

Cody sighed as he quickly got on the dead freeway. "One of the actor's was just having a bad night tonight and messed up a lot. The director got frustrated. Hell, we all got frustrated, but I also understand sometimes we just have one of those moments."

"I don't know anything about acting, but I definitely know a thing or two about having one of those nights were it's just not your night."

"Everything okay?" Cody asked, hearing a slight concern from her voice. "How was the show tonight?"

"Everything's fine. The show was great. It was a sold out show."

"Babe, that's fantastic!" Cody beamed as he turned his turn signal before getting off the exit to his hotel.

"Yeah..." she trailed.

"Why do you sound like it's a terrible thing?"

"It's not. I just wish you were here to see it. I missed you. It's been over a month since I've last seen you. This is the longest we've been apart."

"I know, babe," Cody sighed. "You got a couple of more shows before you're done with your tour. I'll be done in about another month. Then, we'll plan a vacation together. Anywhere you wanna go, Pretty Girl. It'll just be you and me, and no one else to distract us from our perfect little bubble."

She hummed with approval. "I picture us somewhere nice and warm, the ocean clear blue, and a fruity drink in one hand."

"Bora Bora? Hawaii? Bahamas?" Cody suggested. "You pick it and I'll arrange everything."

"That sounds perfect." She said as Cody pulled up into an empty parking space at the hotel.

"Give me a second, babe," he said as he turned off the truck before getting his phone to make sure not to disconnect the call. "Okay," he said as he got out of the truck and clicked the lock button twice on his keys. "I'm not going to lie, I'm glad you picked somewhere where there's water."

"Why is that?" She asked.

Cody nodded at the guy working the front desk as he made his way across the lobby and towards the elevator. He pushed the up button and the doors immediately opened. He pushed the 15th floor and continued his conversation as the elevator doors closed and moved up. "Because I get to see you in a sexy swimsuit."

Y/N giggled. "Well, if that's what you're looking forward to, I'll be sure to get some swimsuits in your favorite color."

Cody stepped off the elevator once the doors opened. He had a long walk down the hall before turning a corner and walking a few more steps before reaching his one bedroom suite.

"What are you wearing right now?" He asked lowly.

"Well," she lingered for a second. He pictured her biting her bottom lip. "I'm wearing one of your shirts."

"Is that so?"

"Yup. That stupid gym shirt you love so much and I stole from your dresser before I left on tour."

"Is that were it went?" Cody chuckled.

"I wanted you to be with me every night." Cody smiled at her words. "Cause it's the same shit every night. Different hotel and a cold bed. I wanted something of yours to kind of have you with me. Is that stupid?"

Cody shook his head, forgetting she couldn't see him. "Not at all babe. It's sweet and breaks my heart I'm not there with you to hold you and kiss you." Cody said as he slid his hotel key to his door. The light turned green and Cody twisted the knob. He dropped his keys on the kitchen table and took off his shoes by the door before unbuckling his belt while walking towards his bedroom. "I really wish I was with you to-"

Cody froze as he saw Y/N on her knees in his bed, wearing his favorite gym shirt. She smiled at him while holding the phone against her ear.

"Hey, Pretty Girl?" Cody said to the phone.

"Yes, Pretty Boy?" She smiled at him.

"Theirs is an amazing and beautiful girl in my bed right now. She looks sexy as hell in one of my shirts. I'm going to have to call you back," Cody said before he hung up and rushed towards her. Y/N giggled and dropped her phone on the bed as Cody pulled her face for a long overdue passionate kiss. Cody's arms snaked around her waist as hers wrapped around his neck, her fingers immediately playing with his hair.

They pulled back when their lungs were burning for oxygen. Cody rested his forehead against hers and tightened his grip around her waist, pulling her closer to him. "What are you doing here?"

She cupped his cheek and looked into his beautiful eyes. "I have 24 hours off. The band stayed on the bus and is planning on sightseeing the town tomorrow. I didn't want that. I got on the first flight here... to you. Surprise."

"Best surprise ever." Cody's lips formed a small smile before he kissed her once more. "I love you, Pretty Girl."

She pulled back from his lips and smiled at him. "I love you too, Pretty Boy."

Cody Christian, Theo Raeken, & Asher Adams ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now