Pregnancy Announcement- Cody x Reader (Part 2 to Wedding Jitters)

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Note: This imagine was inspired by randomaumemes's post. I loved the GIF set she made (That's her GIF above) and I thought it would be perfect for a second part for my Wedding Jitters imagine. Also, I made a few changes from the original GIF set.


Cody smiled as Y/N handed over his phone. He grabbed his phone and quickly grabbed her hand with his other hand, pulling her close to him. Y/N giggled as she leaned in to him. Cody cupped her cheeks and let his eyes trace every feature of her beautiful face. He chuckled to himself as he remembered his wedding day five years ago today. He was a nervous wreck. He couldn't believe he was worried about everything.

"What's so funny?" Y/N smiled.

"Just remembering our wedding day," he smiled back with a chuckle.

"You were a total wreck," she laughed as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Cody couldn't help but laugh hard, the sweet melody making Y/N's heart swell. She loved his real laugh and she loved that she could always make him laugh.

"I don't know why I was. I honestly had nothing to worry about, I mean look at us now." He leaned in and captured her lips for a sweet, soft kiss. Y/N smiled into the kiss before pulling back. "You're absolutely glowing."

"You better enjoy it now before I become a hormonal, crazy lady," Y/N chuckled.

"I'll still love you then, no matter how crazy you get," Cody cupped her cheek. He locked his eyes with hers. "Are you sure you're ready for this?"

Y/N nodded. "Only if you are."

Cody's lips formed a huge smile and Y/N knew why. Since the day the home pregnancy test revealed positive, Cody had been over the moon, extremely happy. They both laughed and cried. They had been trying for the past two years but had no luck. They went through several tests, only to find out there was nothing wrong with either of them. They decided to stop trying and let it happen naturally.

"Okay, no turning back now," Cody smiled as he held up his phone and clicked the Instagram app. When Y/N said nothing to stop him, he clicked on the live button.

"Hey, guys! Uhm, I just wanted to take a moment to talk to you guys in a little more personal way, because there's something I wanted to tell you. I don't think there's a," Cody looked away from the camera and smiled at Y/N, who was already smiling back at him, "casual way to say this."

Cody paused for a second, sort of creating tension for his followers. Cody saw the number of watchers increasing by the second. He had never done a live video on Instagram before, but he figured this announcement would be the perfect first live video.

"So, I'll just hit you with it. I'm going to be a father. Y/N and I are pregnant," Cody cheered with a huge smile. He looked over at Y/N for a second, who already had tears in her eyes. Cody swallowed hard before looking back at the camera. "Man, I don't even remember how I wanted to continue this. I'm emotional," he chuckled with tears in his eyes. Y/N slowly reached for his hand. Without taking his eyes from the camera, he immediately grabbed her hand and held it tight. She gave him a small squeeze, encouraging him to continue.

"I haven't been addressing any of the pregnancy rumors because I wanted to make sure we were both ready to tell you, which we are now, and we're both really happy," Cody said with a cheeky smile.

"Pregnancy is such a magical thing," Cody looked away from the phone again, instantly locking his eyes with Y/N. "Y/N's doing well so far. She's four months pregnant. She's beautiful. She's glowing and I'm making sure I'm with her every step of the way. I'm looking forward to the next 5 months of this pregnancy-"

"You make it sound like you're the one that's pregnant," Y/N chimed in with a giggle.

"You know what I meant," Cody chuckled as he turned around. He faced the camera at both of them and kissed her cheek. "I can't wait for this new chapter in our lives."

"Me either," she smiled back at him.

He was about to lean in for a passionate kiss and just seconds before his lips met hers, Y/N pulled back and giggled at the camera. "Anyways, that's Cody's big announcement. We appreciate all the kind and wonderful messages y'all are sending right now. We'll be sure to update and post pictures soon."

Cody wrapped his arm around her neck and pulled her in close. "Thank you guys for all the love and support. I love y'all." Cody made a peace sign while Y/N waved before he turned off the live video.

"Now that everyone knows, what now?" Y/N asked.

Cody silenced his phone as the new alerts were coming in rapidly and shoved his phone in his back pocket. He led the way to their bedroom, "now, I'm going to get you into bed. I'm going to rub your feet while we continue binge watching that new favorite show of yours."

"I love you," Y/N beamed excitedly before climbing up the stairs. She turned around and grabbed his hands. She placed them on her small growing belly. "We love you."

Cody smiled at her. "Daddy loves you both, too."

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