Marry Me (Theo x Reader)

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Author's Note: When I first heard Thomas Rhett's song, I immediately thought of Theo and thought maybe this could be an imagine. However, I was still iffy about it, but ideas kept coming to me. A few days later, Thomas released the official video. I saw it, it shattered my heart, and made me bawled my eyes out. I knew then I had to write it. So, be sure to listen to the words and watch the video of what inspired this imagine. I swear, you'll think of Theo.

Feedback is always welcomed and appreciated.


Theo sighed as he walked up to the refrigerator, his eyes fixated on a pearl white invitation held up by a magnet. The black cursive letters written across the invitation had haunted him for two months now. He couldn't believe the day had finally arrived. It's a day he'd been dreading, and a part of him hated himself for checking the 'yes' box on the RSVP card.

He tightened his tie before grabbing the invitation and the truck keys on the countertop. He slowly made his way to his truck; slightly hoping time would slow down. He wasn't ready to let go of the one thing he was so sure of.

Is it too late to find a time machine or witch who might know a spell? He thought to himself before he started the truck. He quickly inserted the address on his GPS and drove to the wedding ceremony.

Theo's head was clouded with so many thoughts and questions, wondering how the hell he got himself in this situation. His eyes flickered to the radio as it hummed an old familiar song that took him back to when he realized there was a girl who stole his heart.

Theo turned around to face Y/N. He had never seen someone so terrified. "Are you okay?" He whispered.

She swallowed hard before she looked up at him. Concern and worry were written all over his beautiful face. Despite Stiles constantly telling her to stay away from him, she couldn't help it. From the first day she met him, she was instantly drawn to Theo. Since then, they've gotten closer each passing day. She thought of him as her best friend.

She let out a small breath before she nodded. Tears welled up in her eyes as she held his gaze. Theo sighed before he scooted closer. She immediately leaned into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. She closed her eyes, feeling safe in his embrace. He gently kissed her forehead and the small action sent a shiver down her spine. She looked up at the same time Theo looked down, their eyes instantly locked with each other's again.

Theo noticed every sparkle in her beautiful eyes. He would never admit this to anyone, but if he could, he would stare into her beautiful galaxy eyes forever. He swallowed hard as his heart began to race. His ears picked up her heartbeat and it was beating just as fast.

The moment was perfect. They were together, alone, and in each other's arms as the soft melody of a song hummed from the radio. Their feelings towards each other had been building up since he returned to Beacon Hills for their senior year and they were both ready to act on their feelings.

Theo slowly leaned in as she did too. The anticipation grew by the second. The moment they both closed their eyes and their lips were less than an inch apart, a hard knock rapped against the window. Theo and Y/N quickly pulled apart to see Stiles standing outside of his Jeep with his arms crossed tightly to his chest. Stiles was being the overly protective friend towards Y/N and warning Theo to stay away from her as he glared at him.

Theo couldn't help but glare back at Stiles as Y/N giggled. She looked back at Theo with a small shrug and a smile on her face. Theo couldn't help but smile back at her. He wanted to see that smile of hers forever instead of the tears she had in her eyes a few seconds ago. That absolutely terrified him, as he never felt that way before. Sure, he's had his fair share of girls, but none of them made him feel the way Y/N made him feel. In that moment, he vowed to always make her smile and be happy.

Cody Christian, Theo Raeken, & Asher Adams ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now