Why Should I Say Yes? - Asher Adams

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Author's Note: This is the last of the Valentine's Day prompts for Cody. I know it's very late. Sorry, not sorry.

Also, as for the Asher mini-series that's following with the current season, I'm going to put a slight pause on it just so I can see how the next couple of episodes play out. I really want to make it a Asher series and not Spencer. I hope y'all understand.


The first thing Y/N saw in her locker was an envelope. Her name was written in black block letters. Before opening it, she looked around in the crowded hallway, wondering who could have left her a note.

She pulled out the card that read:

Go to the library. Find the table with a red rose.

She furrowed her eyebrows. She had no idea who it could have been. The word 'prank' did cross her mind, but curiosity was getting the best of her as she closed her locker door shut. She weaved in and out throughout the hallway and exited the building. She crossed the quad to get to the library.

The smell of books immediately greeted her as she walked in. Her muscles relaxed as this was her favorite place. She not only spent her study hall period to do homework here, but she also spent her lunch hour here reading some of her favorite classics.

She scanned the tables. There it was. Just like the note had said. A beautiful red rose was on the third table from the left. She walked over and picked up the rose. Underneath the rose was another envelope.

Go to the locker room for next your next clue.

Y/N bit her bottom lip. She didn't play sports. In fact, she was hardly ever in the athletic building. Although getting these little notes were fun, she had no idea what the locker room meant. It had no significance for her. But, once again, curiosity got the best of her as she rushed towards the locker room.

When she arrived, she found nothing in the girls' locker room. Surprisingly, it was empty. There wasn't a clue or a note anywhere to be seen. When she exited the locker room, in front of her was an envelope taped on the boys' locker room door with her name on it.

"I would have never guessed the boys locker room," she mumbled to herself. She grabbed the envelope and opened it. She found an old ticket sub from one of the football games. She had no recollection of this game. At least nothing memorable about it. Hell, she couldn't even remember if her team won that game.

The note read:

Finally, exit the building and meet me outside.

Y/N's heart dropped to her stomach. All of these locations, these clues, and an old ticket sub didn't make sense to her. She had no clue who could have been behind all of this. But, she did what she was told. She walked out of the building and into the parking lot. She scanned the parking lot before she saw Asher Adams leaning against her car.

In his hands were a few more red roses. His smile grew wider as she walked towards him. His heart thundered against his chest. Her hair was up in a high ponytail. Her makeup was light and natural. She wore a pair of blue jeans and a cute black top. He was in awe with her beauty. If he could, he would look at her all day, everyday.

"Hi, Asher," she gave him a small smile. She held up the envelopes, football ticket, and rose in her hand. "This was all you?"

Asher nodded his head. "I was hoping I could take you out this Saturday."

Y/N's eyes widened. "On Valentine's Day?"

"Yes. I was thinking we could do dinner and a movie."

She hesitated for a second. As handsome as he was, she had no idea who he was. Yes, he was popular and everyone knew he was one of the star players on the football team, but she didn't know him.

"I don't even know you. Why should I say yes?" She asked.

"The library is when I first saw you on your first day of school when you transferred in the middle of the school year," he pushed himself off her car and walked towards her. His lips formed a smile as he replayed the memory in his mind and his smile grew as he spoke. "You had a purple color pencil in between your teeth as you focused on a drawing in your sketch pad. Your hair looked like a bird nest with all the different color pencils you had in there," he chuckled to himself. "Your long bangs covered some of your face, but I saw you. And, you were the most beautiful girl I had never seen."

Y/N was in shock. She felt her cheeks hot and her hands clammy.

"In front of the boys locker room is when we first spoke," Asher continued. " I was late and in a hurry. I walked out of there like there was a fire on my ass and without even looking or slowing down, I knocked down a girl who happened to be walking by. Lucky, my quick reflexes caught her and turned her around so I could be the one to fall on the floor and she had me break her fall."

Y/N chuckled as she remembered. "It all happened so fast."

He chuckled with her. "You apologized and I insisted you had nothing to apologize for as it was my fault. As you rambled why it was your fault, I couldn't take my eyes off of yours. How they sparked. How beautiful they are."

Y/N swallowed hard. "The football ticket sub?" She whispered, a little too scared to know what the answer was.

"That was my first game back after my suspension. After I made my first touchdown of the night, I immediately saw you sitting in between Layla and Olivia. You were the only person I saw in the hundreds of people that were in the crowd. I knew you were the one. I knew you would be the girl I would love with my entire heart."

Y/N's heart thundered against her chest. Truthfully, she never thought of Asher as something more than a classmate. Only because deep down, she believed a guy like Asher would never so much as look her way. But, he was, not only confessing his love for her, but sharing the moments he had with her that had an impact on him.

She closed the distance between them. She grabbed a fist full of his shirt as she leaned up on her toes. When her lips met hers, Asher dropped the flowers in his hand and wrapped his arms around her, bringing her to his chest. He kissed her gently, but with so much love.

She pulled back a bit, completely breathless. "I normally don't kiss guys like this or even on the first date, but I'm willing to make an exception for you."

Asher smiled. He leaned in, ready to kiss her once more. But, she leaned back a bit. He looked at her confused, wondering what was on her mind.

"In case you haven't noticed, my answer is yes. I'd love to go out with you this Saturday night."

Asher chuckled as Y/N smiled at him widely. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him once more.

Cody Christian, Theo Raeken, & Asher Adams ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now