2.7 - Asher Adams

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A/N: Sorry it took so long to get this chapter up. I've been busy with the holidays and doing some Christmas shopping. Here's the mid-season finale chapter. I'll return with Asher chapters when the show returns next month. However, I do have a Cody imagine featuring Chris Evans in the works! Stay tuned!


Asher fanfic

Y/N stared at Asher as he waited on the counter. He turned around and immediately smiled. Y/N tried her best to give him a real smile, but she couldn't. She fooled him as he didn't seem to notice and turned back to grab their cheese fries and drinks. Y/N's mind flashed back to the reason why she invited Asher to hang out.

"Thank you," Y/N said as the barista handed her iced coffee.

"You know, I hate the taste of coffee, but I can't seem to function without the effects," Asher's mom said as she led the way to a table. "Thanks again for meeting me. I know how busy you are."

"I'm a teenager, Gwen, as a collective, we're not that busy," Y/N pressed her lips together. She knew what this meeting was about. Well, to a certain extent. She knew Gwen wanted to talk about Asher, but she didn't exactly know where this conversation would go, and she was going to try her best to get some answers for Asher.

"Well, Asher sure seems to be busy." Gwen's voice was a combination of annoyance and hurt.

"Well, he has football. So, he's busier," Y/N defended quickly.

"Come on. We both know he's been avoiding me, which is why I've asked you here. No one knows Asher better than you do. What can I do to get him back?" Gwen asked.

Y/N looked at Gwen in the eye as she spoke honestly. "Look, this past year has been really rough for Asher and he needed his mom. So, maybe just try to help him understand why you abandoned him."

"Y/N, I would never willingly walk away from my son. It was out of my control."

Y/N paid close attention to her choice of words. Her eyebrows furrowed together, "What? Did someone have a gun to your head?"

"No, not exactly. It's just I couldn't..."

Y/N's heart stopped for a second as she watched Gwen struggle with admitting the truth. People have many reasons why they can't admit the truth: fear, embarrassment, hurting others, etc. For Gwen, it was all three and she couldn't tell Y/N the truth why she left Asher. If she had to tell the truth, she would tell her son.

"What? Tell me. Maybe I can help," Y/N pressed on, hoping Gwen wouldn't back out now.

"Look, Y/N, this is between me and Asher's dad. I'm sorry I wasted your time," she got up and left without looking back.

"Here's your drink and a large order of cheese fries for us," Asher's voice pulled Y/N from her thoughts. She smiled at him as she grabbed and took a sip of her drink. Asher looked at the  empty foosball table next to him. "Wanna play?"

Over the next few minutes they played as Asher brought up what's currently on his mind, the top football players list that had just been released.

"You know, I'm just saying, if Spencer hadn't transferred to Beverly, take my position and all my stats, I would have definitely made that Top 300 list," Asher said.

"So, what did your dad say?" Y/N asked with a plan to ask a follow up question about his mom. She silently prayed he would take the bait.

"I haven't seen him yet. Things are good between us now, but whenever football comes up, I always feel like he's disappointed in me."

Y/N's heart sank with his response. She hated that Asher's father still gave Asher the impression he ls not good enough on the field, especially since he's been working so hard to improve lately. As much as that sucked, she was glad the conversation led to the perfect opportunity to talk about Gwen.

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