Part 6: New Roommate

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I closed the front door before dropping my gym bag and backpack on the floor. I dragged my feet across the living room and plopped myself on the sofa.

"Oh, good! You're home," Asher said. "You can help me fold the laundry." I heard a small thud, probably the laundry basket landing on the carpet floor.

"Noooooooo," I whined.

"Come on. I've been doing laundry all morning while you were at volleyball practice-"

"Which was hell! Hence why I'm dying on the sofa!"

"I even did your laundry."

Without moving my body, I just turned my head to look at Asher. "You did?" I asked surprised.

"Yes and do you have any idea how hard it is to do a girl's laundry? I don't know what needs to be washed inside out, hand washed, or with cold water only. Not to mention, you have some clothes that probably aren't meant to be in the dryer either. I had so much trouble. But, I figured it out, and I did it so you wouldn't have to worry about it when you got home."

I sat up and looked at Asher. "Thank you," I said honestly. He didn't have to do it but he did, and I appreciated it.

"Now, let's get to folding," he said as he sat in front of the big coffee table. "I hope you don't mind, but I kind of mixed some of our clothes together. It was easier and less loads to put our clothes together than do them individually."

"That's okay," I said as I slid off the sofa and sat across from Asher.

The laundry basket was on the side of the coffee table, making it easy for both of us to reach in for the clothes. I grabbed a couple of shirts and began folding them.

"How was volleyball practice?" Asher asked as he focused on folding shorts.

"We ran a lot of drills before we did some plays. Of course, coach decided to be an ass and made us run suicides the last hour of practice."

Asher let out a whistle. "Not even Coach Baker is that tough."

"I know! It's terrible, but I know coach is only doing it to make sure we make it to playoffs."

"Did I tell you I'm back on the team?"

Asher's question made me stop what I was doing and look up at him. "No! Asher! That's amazing!" I got him, walked around the coffee table, and make my way towards him. I sat down and gave him a hug. The hug lasted longer than it should have. It's like we were holding on to something, or just wanted to be in each other's embrace.

I pulled back slowly, our arms still wrapped around each other. "When did this happen? How did this happen? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I tried, but then things kept coming up and happening," Asher sighed as he unraveled his arms from me. "I was gonna tell the night Jordan showed up." I stayed quiet. "Is there something going on between you two?"

I looked at Asher straighten the eye. "No. He's just a friend. He's been going through a lot too and I've just been there for him."

Asher nodded and went back to folding clothes. I stopped him by putting my hand on top of his forearm. He looked at me and I said, "you can tell me all about it now... if you still want to."

Asher gave me a small smile and nodded. "It was all thanks to Olivia." My heart sank as I pulled my hand from his forearm. "She was the one that reminded me about the combine and dragged my ass to the field. Then, everything happened so fast. I did my best out on the field and it got me a 7-on-7 ticket, but I was honest with the football recruiters about currently not playing on a football team. I lost the ticket, but Coach Baker put me back on the team. He said he saw how hard I've been trying in every way possible and that Olivia sees something in me. He told me not to screw it up, my opportunity on the team and Olivia's faith in me."

I stayed quiet the entire time and I'm sure Asher noticed but he continued on with the story.

"She's the one that suggested I move in with Lelia and I thought it would be a good reasons, but..." he trailed as he looked down at my hands on my lap.

I couldn't shake off what Jordan said that night. "Who knows who he's chasing." Maybe Jordan was right. Asher admitted he was in love with Lelia when he first moved in here. Now, I've seen him with Olivia lot lately and he mentions her more than he used to. I know they have a history too, but is it possible Asher doesn't know what he wants?

Asher held my hand with his. He began fiddling with my fingers. I looked down at our fingers and it felt nice. Everything about this situation felt nice and comfortable. Folding laundry, talking, the hugs, and this sweet yet innocent touching. It felt right and it felt like this was something I could do forever. But that small inkling feeling in the back of my mind was telling me Asher's head is somewhere else.

"But you told me to stay," he finished. I looked up at him, completely taken by surprise. My heart was thundering against my chest, ready to explode. "You never explained why you wanted me to stay."

The next words slipped out of my mouth uncontrollably. "You almost kissed me twice."

Asher let out a small chuckle and smiled at me. "Yes, I did," his smile faltered. "But you seemed like you didn't want to kiss me back."

"I wanted to."

"Why didn't you?"

"Because you don't know what you want."

"Of course I do, Y/N."

"No, you don't," I shook my head. "When you first moved in here, you told me you admitted to Lelia you still loved her and you were devastated when she told you she's dating Spencer. Now, you're hanging around Olivia more, and given your history, I don't know if maybe you suddenly developed feelings for her or something. I don't know what you want Asher, and all I want is- if you're going to kiss me, I want it for the right intentions, because you genuinely have feelings for me."

Asher cupped my cheeks and locked his eyes with mine. "I really like you, Y/N. Somewhere along the way of staying here with you, I caught feelings. I want to kiss you so bad, but," he paused and swallowed hard, "Because I like and care about you so much, I want our first kiss to be perfect, memorable, and when you least expect it. My moment will be my moment."

His hold paralyzed me. His words left me speechless. Right now would be a good time to kiss me, but he was right. Plus, a part of me wanted to see what he would do or say to show how much he liked me. Then, I realized he was already doing it. He had just quoted a line from one of my favorite shows.

"My moment will be my moment."

I gave him a small smile. "Did you just quote Lucas from Girl Meets World?"

Never breaking his gaze, he chuckled and nodded his head. "Yeah. When I first moved in here and I still wasn't ready to go back to school yet, I used your Netflix account. I noticed Girl Meets World was on your 'Continue Watching' list. I also remembered overhearing you tell someone your celebrity crush is the guy that plays Lucas." My cheeks felt hot. "So, I checked it out because you had an interest in it. It's a bit dorky, but cute at the same time. I can see why you like it."

"No one can know I watch Girl Meets World. You take that with you to the grave," I joked. Asher let go one of his hands and crossed chest above his heart, indicating he wouldn't tell a soul.

"You just wait and see," Asher said pressing his forehead against mine. "I'm in it for the long game."

Author's Note: Just another filter chapter until the show comes back in a couple of weeks. Anyways, let me know what you think. I always look forward to y'all's feedback/comments. 😊

Is anyone else annoyed Girl Meets World isn't on Netflix anymore?!

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